Chapter 9

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-Jungkook's POV-

Okay, i followed this girl and now i think she recognizes me already. I don't know what to do. I'm frozen.

"JEON JUNGKOOK?!!?!?!" Okay guhhrreeaatt! now i'm dead meat. good thing it's just the two of us here in this area.

"uhm uhh dae" i just answered. darn it! but by the way she looked at me, it's like she can't believe what she's seeing. Well i expected her to scream, but the reality is, she just stood there not even talking. it's like she's trying to figure me out. she came closer to me, making sure that she's not dreaming.

"really?" she said looking at my eyes. i can't even tell if she's happy or what, but wait i think she's not korean. well i can tell because of her accent. i'm not sure. maybe she's a korean with a good diction. i dunno.

"uhuh please don't tell anyone" i answered. she didn't respond. maybe she's not korean. she doesn't seem to understand.

"ssshhhhh jebal" i told her, and i can't believe what just happened.









-Emi's POV-

ugghhh. what just happened.

wait! why am i in my bed??


"ssshhhhh jebal"

*end of flashback*

wooww! that was real!!

"seeing jungkook was real!!!" i screamed.

"dae" a man's voice answered. bwoo??!! is there a guy here? i have to get up and find him i'm sure he's inside my apartment.

"yah" that voice! it's really.......


.......... oh my god

he's standing in front of me.


I think i'm gonna faint!! no no no!!

*and everything went black*

-Jungkook's POV-

She fainted again. how many times is she gonna faint? i have to carry her back to her bed AGAIN. i just can't leave her lying on the floor. It's my fault why she fainted anyway. darn i wish i never left our dorm. i can't go home now. i have to call my hyungs they might be worried sick. gotta call rapmon hyung. so i dialled his number

*ring ring ring*

"hello!! maknae where are you??! we're worried about you! why did you take so long?! u told me you're going for a walk for just an hour and now you're still not here!! " hyung exclaimed

"hyung mianhae, i got into trouble, i'll explain tomorrow but for now i need a favor, please pick me up 5 in the morning tomorrow, i'll text u the address. please hyung, i'll explain tomorrow i promise" i pleaded

"what??!!! okay2 . atleast you're safe now and nothing happened to you. don't go out, we'll pick you up tomorrow" finally hyung understood .

"thanks hyung, bye" and i hung up.

okay so i guess i'll be sleeping in this cute little sofa tonight. i'll be fine. hyung will pick me up tomorrow and everything will be back to normal again.

-Emi's POV-

my head's aching. wait! i'm in my bed again!! srsly what is happening?!!

/looks around my apartment/

wow!! someone's sleeping in my sofa. so it's true!!! oh my god!! what is going with my life!! so i stood up and looked closer to the guy sleeping in my sofa.

Wow, Jeon Jungkook is really handsome. Gosh my hormones are going insane!!!

i can't believe this!! wait, what time is it?

4:00 in the morning. too early . Should i cook for him? so he can eat when he wakes up?! maybe he could fall for me?? arrghhh Emi what are you saying!!! I have a 0.0000000001% chance! so i should stop dreaming! i'll just cook for him and treat him as a visitor.

so what should i cook? uhm.... uhmmmm..

omelets? okay omelets! i can do this. or maybe fried rice? i should cook both! okay soo here wee gooo.


"annyeong" i heard a voice. i guess he's awake already.

"oh hey goodmorning! i cooked breakfast, cmon u should eat" i said as i smiled widely to him trying to hide my feels as my hormones had gone crazy already ...

his face looked confused. okay i need to be fluent in korean. for our future. what?!! our future??!! Emi shut up!!

so i just signalled him to eat. good thing he came closer to the table and he sat down. he grabbed the omelets and ate hastily. yeah it's obvious that he's hungry.

i feel happy. i just can't believe that i cooked for the one i loved for soo long. woww!! so this is the feeling.

and he looked at me, he looked shy.

"mianhae" he said

he looks cute...

oh my gooossshhhh.....

*and everything went black AGAIN*

-Jungkook's POV-


but hey she's really nice and her cooking is great! but first i have to carry her back to her bed AGAIN coz she's lying on the floor.

wait what time is it? the hyungs are gonna pick me up.

oh it's already 5. they'll be here any minute now . so i guess i can't say goodbye to her. but i have to leave her a note saying my thank you. okay i have to do that. she might think she was dreaming AGAIN.


my phone rang. rapmon hyung called saying they're already outside waiting.

so i guess i have to go.

thanks girl. i don't even know your name but, ....

u mean something to me now . thanks.

i just left the note on her bedside table and left. "Bye MS. FAINT" i said with a smirk on my face.

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