Chapter 1

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A New World

Izuku slowly opened his eyes to see a black void filled with unknown stuff that floated around the space. The man then laughed as Izuku then realized that he was still in the grasp of the man's grip. Izuku then tried to wiggle his way out but couldn't.

Izuku then only had one option left. He then channeled One for All throughout his entire body as his body began to glow brightly and electricity danced around him violently. The man widened his eyes as Izuku then glared at him.

'20% Full Cowling!'

Izuku then used all his strength to break the hold around him as he slid his arms in between the man's arms and forcefully separated the hold around his body. Izuku then was free from the man as the man was pushed away. Shocked by the sudden increase of power, the man tried to grab him again but with one swipe of Izuku's right leg, he created a massive wind pressure that caused the man to fly back. While Izuku did that he caused debris to fly around, causing holes in the small dimension.

Izuku then felt the gravity pull him down as a hole was created beneath him. He then fell straight down as if he was going through a wormhole. Izuku started to panic as the gravity started to accelerate his fall. He didn't know how far the hole was or how long it was going to take.

He began to see a light beneath him. He looked at the light but only to be blinded by the brightness as he fell. He didn't get the chance to look around him to fully grasp what was going on.

As the brightness started to die down a bit he felt the wind as it pushed him up or was colliding against him.

He then opened his eyes to see the clear sky, he looked around to see the bright yellow sun beside him as he stared into it. He then looked down but only to see the ground beneath.

"Wait a minute... am I falling?" Izuku muttered to himself. What a dumb question to ask as he then felt the wind pressure staring to increase and hitting his face.

"AHHHHH!" Izuku screamed as he fell from the sky.

"Crap, crap, crap, crap! If I don't do something I'm going to die!" Izuku then panicked.

Izuku then started to formulate a plan to ensure his survival from the height of the fall.

"Okay, maybe if I activate 100% and channel it through my finger, it could possibly slow down my fall when I'm close to the ground but that's too risky, my equipment could get damaged and I don't know where I am right now," Izuku muttered.

He then continued to try and formulate his plan but as the adrenaline kicked in he only thought of a plan that could ensure he didn't damage himself and his gear. He then tucked his arms in and put his legs back, as if he was skydiving. That accelerated his fall even more, drawing him closer to the ground.

Once he was halfway to the ground he then expanded his arms and legs out and fired multiple Air Force Smashes at the ground, causing him to slowly lose the momentum of the fall. As he was still fast approaching the ground he then brought his right leg up as he then used 20% of Full Cowling as he waited for the right moment.

As he was 10 feet above the ground he then swung his leg as hard as he could, which caused a massive pocket of air to come plummeting down on the ground as it created an explosion of dust but caused Izuku to fly upwards as he then saw a nearby tree and grabbed onto it. But the branch was too weak to support his weight so it snapped.


Before he knew it, he came plummeting down on the ground as he then crashed on the ground. Still in one piece but sore all over.

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