Chapter 33

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In one of Bolic's chambers, he was rummaging through some packages sent by the Prime Minister, he then found what he was looking for sent by Honest.

"Ibara, come here,"

The man walked towards Bolic as he was handed a trigger of some sorts.

"What is it sir,"

"It's a bomb trigger,"

Ibara looked at him confused, wondering why he handed him a bomb trigger.

"Prime Minister Honest is worried about traitors turning. After the incident with Former Captain Hisake, he deduced which people were easily swayed by the Vigilante Deku's influence."


Bolic grinned evilly as he looked at Ibara with crazed eyes, "Seryu Ubiquitous was one he was wary of,"

Ibara widened his eyes, he then put two and two together, he remembered Seryu went through rigorous experiments from Doctor Stylish. If anything would happen he created a trigger for the bomb if she couldn't properly release the trigger herself.

"I see, so if I notice any changes then I hit this,"

Bolic nodded, "And make sure the Vigilante witnesses it, this will tell him to fuck off of our operation here,"

Ibara licked his lips, "Understood,"


Izuku was sent flying as he was covered in Black Whip, to shield him from the blast, but he still felt the intense heat of the explosion.

He felt himself bouncing further away from the explosion. Izuku then unwrapped Black Whip around him as he was further away from the explosion. It dies down as a cloud of gray smoke could be seen. Izuku then sprinted towards the smoke.

" no no!"

Izuku ran as he approached the epicenter of the explosion. What he saw horrified him, Seryu's body was nothing more than blackened ash as he could also see Koro's body as well. Izuku clenched his fist in frustration.

His eyes fixated on the site, he didn't move but his eyes... they were filled with rage and hate. Izuku clenched his fist hard but then he heard multiple footsteps as Danger Sense kicked in.


Imperial soldiers surrounded him as a couple of Imperial Fist apprentices circled him.

"Deku... you are here for the murder of Seryu Ubiquitous, come with us quietly.," a soldier ordered.

Izuku didn't move as his hair covered his face, his rage.

One of the Imperial Fist Apprentice smirked, "You know, this would've never happened if you just died by Seryu but then again it was the right cause to sacrifice her,"

That made Izuku snap as he turned his head as all of them froze in fear, green cold emerald eyes stared into their hearts as they saw no hero anymore. Eyes spiraled in rage.

Izuku then vanished from his spot. The soldiers were shocked at his speed, they couldn't see him until it was too late. The Imperial Fist apprentices were shocked as well. They saw soldiers flying in the air as a green blur hit them one by one in a flash.

They got into a fighting stance but it was far too late as Izuku was right behind them, all they saw was the ground. Everyone that ambushed Izuku was out cold but one was still awake.

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