Chapter 24

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Izuku felt a gentle breeze brush his face as he slowly opened his eyes to see the soft dark blue night had gone and what replaced it was a bright blue sky. Izuku slowly sat up as he laid on a cloth that supported his back.

"Ah you're awake," Izuku turned towards the voice as he saw Susanoo packing some things in a bag. Izuku looked at Susanoo as he then started to remember what occurred last night.

"Are- Ack!" Izuku couldn't properly speak, his throat felt dry and sore. He held his throat as he coughed a bit.

"Don't strain yourself, you inhaled a lot of the smoke that the fire produced so you'll have a hard time speaking," Susanoo rummaged through his bag as he pulled out a bottle as he handed it to Izuku.

"Drink some water, it'll help you clear your throat," Izuku nodded as he took the bottle and drank the bottle as his life depended on it.

Izuku then gasped for air as his throat was slightly better than before.

"How long was I out for," Izuku asked.

"You were out for the rest of the night, I could've carried you back to the base but I figure you would like to rest before heading back," Susanoo answered.

Izuku nodded as he started to reminisce about what happened last night. He wondered what caused that explosion in the first place.

'Was it Kitsune, he clearly has a plan with me, but what is it? And why go through all of this? What's the reason behind all of this,' Izuku thought long and hard but couldn't find an answer.

"I'll go see if we can get any food along the way," Susanoo stood up as he carried his bag.

Izuku shook his head as he slowly got up as he shook off the tiredness. Susanoo looked at him as he was unsure.

"Can you walk," he asked.

Izuku moved his legs a bit as he tapped his foot on the ground, "Yeah, I guess I just needed a little rest,"

"I was lucky to have found you there and you were surrounded by a bunch of people," Susanoo explained.

Izuku smiled at Susanoo, "Thanks again for getting me out of there,"

Susanoo shook his head, "It was no problem at all,"

Izuku stretched his arms a bit as he also stretched his back as well, "We should head back to the base or the others would get worried,"

Susanoo nodded, "It's not far from here, we just need to keep heading forward and we'll see the base," he pointed out.

Izuku nodded as he activated 8% Full Cowling as he faced towards where Susanoo was pointing. He then jumped and dashed towards the direction from where the humanoid Teigu pointed towards.

Susanoo followed after as they both headed back.

Meanwhile the Capital Palace

Guards ran through halls as they rushed through getting papers to their desired destination. A young man with dark blue hair and deep blue eyes walked by them as he wondered what was the commotion.

"Wave, there you are," a voice called out.

The young man now named Wave, turned towards the direction.

"Bols? What's going on, why is everyone in a hurry," Wave asked.

A tall muscle man that wasn't wearing a shirt and was wearing a mask that concealed his whole face. He had a scar on his chest as he wore braces around his forearms.

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