Chapter 22

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I'll Always Be Here

As Izuku sat in his room, running through the memories of his time with Night Raid. A group of assassins and him, a hero. It was ironic how the two ideals clashed, but yet they became friends. Izuku then felt his shirt being tugged as he looked towards Eri.

Eri was worried, she was worried that things would be different. Eri wanted everything to stay the same, even though they were strangers, she felt that they were special to her and Izuku. But at last, the truth had to come out soon.

Izuku solemnly looked at her as he then looked at his hand. He knew that their time with the group of assassins was limited, but he knew that he couldn't leave them to die.

Izuku was then brought back to the time when the 5th user of One for All talked to him. The 5th's quirk, Black Whip. Whatever it was, it could help him, he needed to train with the power in order to master it with One for All.

Izuku got up from his bed, "Eri, I'll be outside for a bit," he told her.

Eri nodded as she watched Izuku walk out of the room. Eri sat there as she thought about what would happen if they would return home. She wouldn't get to see them again. Everyone was kind and caring, she would miss them, especially Akame. Eri didn't know why but Akame was like a mother to her. Every time they would be with each other she hovered over her like a mother bear.

Through her stoic look, Eri saw only a gentle and kind nature in the assassin. Eri laid down as she wanted to push back the thoughts but it just kept replaying in her mind.

With Izuku

Izuku stood outside as he equipped his gauntlets as he was standing there, his right arm out as he closed his eyes. He imagined the black tendrils, the way they extended and wrapped around the people he saved.

'That's right, I need to reach, reach in order to save them,' Izuku thought.

As he concentrated, he then produced a small black tendril that extended out but only a few inches. Izuku then gasped as he then let go of his arm. Izuku looked at his hand as it was shaking.

"It appears you haven't gotten used to those powers of yours,"

Izuku turned towards the voice as he saw Susanoo standing behind. Izuku straightened himself as he looked up at Susanoo.

"Yeah... I don't know how to use it or how to fully use it to its full potential," Izuku looked at his hands as he then clenched them.

Susanoo looked at him, "Maybe start with deepening your knowledge of the power instead of trying to use it now," he suggested.

Izuku looked up at Susanoo, "Once you grasp the knowledge of the power then you can imagine how it's used and how to use it effectively," he continued to explain.

Izuku nodded as it was a good point but the problem was how to gain that knowledge. Ask the 5th user? He didn't know how though.

"Just think about it Izuku, I'm sure you can figure it out," Susanoo then walked away as Izuku stood there as he clenched his hands.

Izuku wanted to get used to Black Whip but right now he needed to start slow. He can't expect to learn it in an instant. Izuku then thought he could confide with the team since he just dropped the truth on them. Izuku then headed back towards the house.

As he walked in front of the house he saw Chelsea leaning on the tree. She looked up as she spotted the greenette. She waved at him as Izuku returned the gesture.

"Hello Green, what are you doing out here," she asked.

"Oh, just trying to figure out how to use the power I gained," he answered.

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