Chapter 29

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Ferocious Rage

Natasha held her father's cold body as she mourned her father's death. Izuku clenched his fist as he felt frustrated. All the power he had and yet he couldn't save him, he couldn't save someone again. Izuku felt a painful burn on his arms as he looked at them. His arms were slightly bruised from using 100% out of the blue like that.

When he fought Ivan, he wanted to get the backpack off of him but it all changed when he witnessed Ivan burn a hole through Helios, Izuku snapped and unconsciously used 100% without thinking, like rage consumed him for the moment.


Izuku turned towards the voice to see Mura standing there as he slowly approached the two. Izuku looked down as he shook his head, Mura widened his eyes as he saw Natasha crying over Helios's body.

Mura frowned as he looked away. At the moment, all they felt was guilt. Hisake watched from afar as his troops were tying up Ivan as he was unconscious and would most likely not be able to wake up anytime soon.

"Hisake, what should we do now?"

Hisake turned towards his troops, "Have the men search for any stragglers, make sure none escape,"

"Roger!" They responded as they spreaded out, searching the area.

Hisake grabbed Níðhöggr and strapped it on his back as he approached the three. The three noticed him as he then bowed his head towards Natasha.

"I'm sorry for your loss, I humbly apologize for being unable to stop Ivan at the time," Hisake apologized.

Natasha just stayed silent as she continued to hold her father. She didn't say anything, all she felt was sorrow in her. They heard more footsteps approaching them as they looked behind them to see Kensei with the rescued captives following behind him.

Kensei noticed Helios as he then looked at Natasha, he wanted to say something but nothing left his mouth. He stayed silent as the captives looked at Natasha and at Helios as they all huddled around her. They all kneeled around her as they were all silent, all could be heard was Natasha's cries as the remaining four watched in silence as Izuku still was angry at himself. He failed again, just like Bulat, he failed to save someone again.

Hisake placed his hand on Izuku's shoulder. Izuku turned as he looked at the former imperial captain in the eye. Hisake just shook his head as he led Izuku away from the crowd.

Izuku followed right beside him in silence, all that could be heard was the wind howling and some yells from the Revolutionary scouts that were cleaning up the place.

"It's been a while, kid," Hisake spoke up.

Izuku nodded as he looked at the man, "Yeah... since the village that we saved,"

Hisake smiled as he looked around the camp, the camp that was a battlefield for a brief moment.

"Indeed...but that was all you, like how you saved these people from their captor," Hisake stated.

Izuku still felt like he failed, he didn't feel like he won, so many have lost their lives to Ivan. Izuku widened his eyes in realization.

"Wait, where is Ivan? Is he-"

"Ivan is in the custody of the Revolutionary Army as of right now, he'll be escorted back to HQ for interrogation," Hisake reassured him.

Izuku sighed as he stopped for a moment as Hisake stopped ahead and turned around to look at the young man.

"Was it all worth it? Everything we've fought until now, was the sacrifice worth it?" Izuku questioned.

Izuku kept questioning, was a sacrifice even necessary for this? Did Helios have to die?

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