Chapter 37

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Clash of Will

Esdeath stood in front of Bolic as her opponents were across from her as she stared down at Najenda. She grinned as she pulled her sword out.

"So you've come, Najenda," she grinned ear to ear. Excitement filled her body as the thrill of battle was enthralled in her mind.

Najenda got ready as she brought her robotic arm forward.

"Now Susanoo, Leone!" She shouted as the two ambushed Esdeath. But Esdeath knew this would happen as she then grabbed Leone's fist and tossed her towards Susanoo. The humanoid teigu grabbed her as he placed her down as both of them started to rush her with an onslaught of attacks.

Esdeath effortlessly parried and blocked off the attacks as she then kicked Leone in the stomach.

Leone coughed as she was sent hurling towards a wall as she slammed into it hard, causing a crack. Susanoo tried to slam his club down on Esdeath but she danced around him as she impaled him with her blade as she then placed her hand on his back and froze him.

She then swung her leg, breaking the ice, causing Susanoo to be in a billion pieces. Najenda lunged forward as she launched her arm at Esdeath but the general dodged it as she was about to launch an ice spear at Najenda. She felt Danger as she turned to see Susanoo completely fine.

He swung his club, making Esdeath block it with her sword. Pushing her away further, she smirked as she knew what Susanoo was now.

"I see, a humanoid teigu, interesting,"

She looked at Najenda, "But that won't be enough to beat me,"

"We'll see about that, Susanoo let's go!"


The two of them charged at her as Esdeath prepared for their attacks.

Outside of the Chapel

Akame rushed forward and slashed at Wave's chest but it didn't damage the armor he wore the slightest.

She then ducked under a kick as she flipped back. Wave however was relentless as he pursued her with blinding speed. Threw a fist at her as Akame dodged to the right as she then tried to cut his midsection but no damage was done.

Wave then sent a kick towards her, forcing Akame to block it and forcing her back.

Wave was about to pursue again but then he saw something glow on his left as he then ducked under a beam as he turned to see Mein charge up Pumpkin. He was about to gain distances but he then felt strings wrap around him as it tied him down to the floor.

"Now!" Lubbock shouted.

Mein shot a beam at Wave as Akame waited for an opportunity as she started to sprint towards Wave.

Wave struggled to get the strings off of him as rage filled him as he thought about his failures, not being able to save his friends when they needed him. He won't fail again, this time.

"I will hunt every single one of you down!" He shouted as he broke through the strings. Dodging under the beam as he turned to Mein and lunged at her. Mein was about to fire another shot but Wave was already upon her as he delivered her a devastating suckered punch. Sending her flying towards a tree.

She spat out blood as she collided with the tree.

Wave turned towards Akame as he sprinted towards her. Akame tried to go for his eyes instead as she tried to jab the blade into his eyes but he ducked under the blade and threw a punch towards her abdomen. Causing her to cough up blood and send her flying.

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