Chapter 4

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Night Raid

Leone and Akame stared at the two as they mourned the dead. Akame solemnly looked at the two, she knew what it felt like losing friends, she knew it all too well. She looked at the Izuku as she saw frustration and sadness as he clenched his fists together.

She then winced as there was a bruise on her right as she got it from his attack, sending her to a tree. She looked at the boys as she wondered what kind of Teigu he used to produce that kind of power.

She noticed how the boy sent her flying into a tree and how quickly appeared in the fight. She then turned around as she was about to walk away.

"Come on Leone, we're done here," she stated.

"Wait," Leone stopped her.

She turned her head slightly. Leone pointed her thumb towards the two,

"Why don't we bring these two with us," Leone suggested.

Akame then turned around fully as she looked at her friend.

Izuku relaxed his hands as it started to hurt from the pressure he was putting on his hands and the countless times he activated One for All. His body should be screaming right now but it would seem that his body is used to 20% but going further will only hurt him.

Izuku turned his head towards Tatsumi as he tried to place his hand on his shoulder but was then abruptly grabbed by the hood of his hero suit and dragged. Izuku widened his eyes as he also heard Tatsumi struggling.

"Hey what the hell are you doing!" Tatsumi squirmed around.

Izuku looked back to see the lioness known as Leone dragging them, with Akame walking ahead.

"I mean this boy has extreme luck and talent, it would be a waste to have him stay here and Greenie has Teigu. What are the odds?" Leone was talking to Akame.

Izuku raised a brow, 'A Teigu? What is that?' He thought.

"Hey I need to bury my friends dammit," Tatsumi exclaimed.

"Ah don't worry I'll bring them to our base, so don't worry," Leone reassured.

Izuku then looked at the black haired assassin as she was staring at him. Izuku shivered a bit but got a closer look at her. Deep smooth black hair that reached down to her knees, a black trench coat with red arm guards and black gloves that came with the guards, she also wore brown shoes with black high knee socks. But that wasn't all, she was dead beat beautiful. Izuku didn't really notice any girl features because well, he rarely bothered trying. Uraraka was a precious friend but he never looked at her that way.

But when he looked at Akame, she was just strikingly beautiful. But what got Izuku the most was her eyes, her deep crimson red eyes. Izuku deeply blushed as Akame continued looking at the hero.

Akame on the other hand was curious about what the boy was wearing and what his Teigu was. Was it the gloves? The iron soles on his feet? Or was it the suit itself.

Akame gazed at the boy as she noticed his diamond shaped freckles and his dark green hair that was messy but she also looked at his emerald eyes, eyes so full of hope and determination, not an ounce of rage or despair.

Izuku looked away as he realized that he'd been staring too long. But then he felt his body lift up as Leone shrugged Tatsumi and Izuku over shoulders and jumped.

As Leone and Akame jumped from tree to tree as they approached a building and climbed up the building. As they arrived they noticed four people in front of them. The same people that were standing on the strings except the girl with purple hair.

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