Chapter 32

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The Meaning of Justice

Way of Peace Foundation HQ

Seryu watched as the kids played with each other as Koro was with them as well, playing alongside them. But she wasn't focused on them but the fight where she was totally bested. Deku, the unknown 'hero' that showed up and started going around and influencing the Rebellion upon the people. It made her sick to the stomach but what he said to her that day.

The day where she knew, he was stronger than her. Seryu gritted her teeth, wondering why? Why would someone who helps people align with evil? What was his reason for siding with the enemy?

Seryu wanted to know the reason and Deku's meaning of Justice. His justice caused Seryu to think about the true meaning of Justice. What is truly deemed worthy of Justice?

Seryu didn't know the answer but she could only get it by going after Deku.


The girl looked up as she saw Esdeath standing in front of her.


She quickly stood up and saluted her.

"At ease Seryu, you seem to have a lot on your mind,"

Seryu eased her hand as she looked at the ground. She clenched her fist as she was just conflicted with her morales and ideals. Only thing that could ease these thoughts was to confront Deku.

"It's... nothing General..."

Seryu then proceeded to walk inside the building but then Esdeath called her out.

"You will have your chance, Seryu,"

The latter widened her eyes as she turned to look at Esdeath. Seryu smiled as she continued to walk inside.

Esdeath felt her hand shake but not in fear but in excitement. The show she watched last night caused her to be more intrigued by Deku. His combat prowess has been honed to a degree that could even rival that of a general. But she knew that Deku was holding back from the fight.

She maliciously smiled in glee as she imagined her fight with him.

"Deku... you will be the main course,"

With Akame

Akame woke up as the daylight hit her eyes, as she rubbed her eyes. She looked around, noticing that she woke up in her room. She then noticed a plate of a well cooked breakfast that was sitting on her nightstand. Akame noticed a note on the side.

"Thanks, Akame,"

Akame frowned, it happened again. She waited for Izuku to return last night only to fall asleep and Izuku took the meal that was prepared for him but in return cooked breakfast for her.

She then heard her door open as she looked at the door to see Eri peeking through.

"Akame-san? Is Deku-san with you?"

Akame frowned, she shook her head. Eri's hopeful eyes started to die down as she wanted to see Deku but she only got to see him so often that it was like he was a stranger.

"Sorry Eri, do you want to come eat breakfast with me,"

Eri smiled as she entered the room, she climbed in the bed with her as Akame grabbed the plate on the stand as she unwrapped the plate as it was a nicely cooked bacon with a seasoned omelet.

They sat together as they ate breakfast together in that room. But it felt like someone was missing the entire time they ate. Akame wanted to share this moment with Izuku but after the incident, it was hard to approach him and see him nowadays.

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