Chapter 16

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The Ice Devil

Far away from the Capital was a small village. The village was covered in snow, a carriage came by with guards guarding it. The Carriage had delivered supplies to the poor village. But after that the carriage was now seen to be destroyed, along with the guards that were escorting it. It was a massacre, puddles of blood dyed the snow deep red.

A woman's face was skinned off and an old man's head was decapitated from his body. This man was an imperial official that had tried to change the inside of the Capital. Other officials were with him as well as they both suffered the same fate. As bodies were laid rotting. There were fliers that had the Night Raid Symbol.

At the Night Raid Base

Izuku was stretching his arms and his legs, He recovered from his wounds a week later. His right and left arm seemed to function normally. While he recovered, he had been resting but the Assassins wanted info on Eri's power. Izuku had told them her capabilities, though she lacked the power to fully control it.

Izuku finished stretching and turned around towards his training partner. Izuku then took his stance, his sparring partner, Akame, held her bokken and readied herself. Akame and Izuku had a short moment of silence before Izuku lunged at her. Akame waited for his first strike as Izuku reeled his fist back.

Izuku then came close to Akame as she swung her bokken, aiming for his head. Izuku then ducked under it and brought his right arm forward, Akame was already ready for the attack as she already had her left arm in a blocking position. But Izuku used his right arm to feint and swiftly brought his left arm for a left hook. Akame however had a fast reaction time and ducked under his swing, Akame jabbed the back end of the hilt of the bokken into Izuku's stomach.

Izuku grunted and skidded back, Izuku then recovered quickly but Akame was already upon him as she did an upward slash. Izuku reacted in time to dodge the attack, grazing his chin. Izuku then lifted his right leg up and swung it as hard as he could. Akame brought her bokken up to block the attack. She skidded back a few feet away, her face stayed neutral as she readied her bokken again.

Izuku then dashed towards her, Akame was watching his movements intently. Izuku was closing in on her, but then, in an instant, a fist appeared in front of his face. Izuku barely dodged it as he fell backwards onto the ground. "Ow..." Izuku groaned. Izuku then heard a hardy laugh as he looked at his surprise attacker. There stood Bulat with his wooden bo staff.

"Come on Izuku, you need to be aware of surroundings, you never know when a surprise attack could appear," Bulat lectured. Izuku rubbed his head and awkwardly smiled, "I'll try to remember that," Bulat smiled, "Alright it's my turn to face you, Tatsumi will be joining us as well," Bulat added. Tatsumi then grabbed a wooden sword as he gave Izuku his hand.

"Come on, this time we'll beat Aniki," Tatsumi exclaimed. Izuku smiled and then shifted it to a determined look, "Yeah!" Izuku grabbed his hand and lifted himself up. Izuku and Tatsumi turned towards Bulat as he stood there ready. Izuku and Tatsumi lunged at Bulat as they relentlessly attacked him. Bulat was deflecting their blows and dodging. Akame smiled at the sparring session.

After the Spar

Night Raid sat at the table as they started to laugh and tease Tatsumi and Izuku. Reason why is that they were completely demolished by Bulat. Tatsumi and Izuku did occasionally land hits on him but he took it like it didn't affect him at all.

And now the duo was covered in dirt and bruises. Tatsumi was getting bandages wrapped around his head by Lubbock, Sheele was wraaping is arm with bandages and Izuku was covered in scratches all over his face. Eri helped with the bruises by putting ointment on them and Akame was putting bandages on injuries that were leaking blood.

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