Chapter 27

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Into the Bright Era

Izuku glared at his captor as Ivan evily smiled at the young hero. Ivan then started to laugh as he then looked at Kensei and Mura. Ivan snapped his fingers as two of his soldiers brought out a table filled with all sorts of knives and tools.

"I've received orders from the Prime Minister himself," Ivan grabbed a knife on the table as he glanced at the edge of the blade.

"Weird how the Emperor wants you alive but the Prime Minister. Oh he's a different story,"

Ivan then swiftly turned around as he then jabbed the knife into Izuku's left shoulder.

Izuku widened his eyes, "GRAAAAGH!" Izuku screamed in pain.

Ivan wickedly laughed as he then twisted and turned the knife in the wound as Izuku clenched his teeth in pain as he felt the blade move around in his shoulder.

"The Prime Minister wants you dead, he didn't say how or why but as long as you're dead, he's satisfied." Ivan whispered into Izuku's ears.

Izuku glared at him as he tried to move.

"Oh don't even think about moving, the poison Helios gave you all will last through the whole day, then his lackey will come and give you another dose," Ivan mentioned.

Ivan's gauntlet started to heat up as it then connected to the knife, transferring the heat in the knife while it was still embedded into Izuku's shoulder. Izuku could hear a sizzling as he then felt a burning sensation through his shoulder.

Izuku screamed in pain as he felt his shoulder was on fire inside. Ivan pulled the knife out as he started to laugh maniacally.

"This is going to be a hell of a time, this is what you get for trying to rebel against the Empire. You'll all die a gruesome death, mercy will not fall upon these wretched souls," Ivan exclaimed.

Izuku heavily breathed out as he looked at his shoulder and noticed that it was blackened with blood leaking out. Izuku then noticed his hands fully covered with metal, he felt his bracelets still attached to his wrist.

"If you think this is over Deku, then you are sadly mistaken," Ivan called out.

Izuku turned to see Ivan going through the table, looking for which tool would give them all hell.

Ivan then grabbed a tweezer as he walked up to Mura.

"I'm going to torture you physically and mentally, hero," Ivan looked at Izuku.

Izuku widened his eyes as Ivan positioned the tweezer in front of Mura's left eye.

"Stop..." Izuku whispered.

Mura's eyes were widened in fear as the tweezers closed in on his left eye.

"Stop it," Izuku demanded.

Ivan's smile grew wider as he then pulled back the tweezer as he then prepared to jab it into his eye. Mura tried to move away from the tweezers as it got closer and closer towards his eye.

"You better clench yourself," Ivan warned as he then swiftly jammed the tweezer into his eye.



With Akame

Akame abruptly woke up as she gasped for air, she quickly sat up as she looked around her room. She placed her hand on her face as she felt a cold sweat on her forehead.

Akame looked down at her left to see Eri sleeping peacefully. Akame smiled as she gently patted her head, she got up from her bed gently. She grabbed Murasame as she headed towards where she put her clothes.

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