Chapter 3

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Can't Save Everyone

Izuku and Tatsumi stared at the five as they stood over the manor, Izuku then looked down to see the guards rushing out to deal with them.

"Hey, should we help them?" Tatsumi asked. Izuku didn't know what to do because he didn't know what these guys were capable of.

Meanwhile outside with Night Raid, the five stared down at the guards. The bright greenette spotted the guards and turned towards the black haired girl.

"Hey Akame, those guys are our targets," he explained.

She then looked down, "Eliminate," was all she could say as she dropped down along with the man clad in armor as the dust dispersed as they landed.

The guards stood ready as they watched the two walk towards them. Akame then unsheathed her blade, the guard then recognized the sword.

"Watch out, don't let that sword touch you," he warned his comrades.

He then charged forward, "Let's go!"

But before he even could get one swing in, Akame swiftly flew past him but as she flew past, she cut his neck making a small slit on his neck. He then coughed up blood, as he stared down at his neck.

"This is what I deserve, the capital has corrupted me," he groaned as he then laid lifeless on the ground.

The other guard tried to attack Akame but the armor clad threw his spear at him, impaling and sending him flying back. The last guard shook in fear as he then ran away.

"Who are these monsters!" He cried.

But he couldn't get far as a bullet penetrated his skull. The pink haired girl's rifle was now smoking as she looked rather disappointed.

Izuku and Tatsumi widened their eyes as they witnessed a complete overwhelming power of the group of assassins. Izuku then hardened his nerves as he then turned to Tatsumi.

"Tatsumi go find Aria, they might target her, I'll go look for others," Izuku ordered.

Snapping out of the trance Tatsumi nodded as he rushed off. Izuku then heads in the opposite direction. As he rushed through the halls he could hear struggling on the first floor. He needed to get there fast, he then activated One for All 8% Full Cowling as he zoomed down the hall.

Akame was then finishing off some guards as the corner of her eyes spotted a flash of green light on the second floor of the building. She looked up to see what was going on. She then felt a tap on her shoulder,

"Akame go get the target, we'll take it from here," the armor clad reassured her.

She nodded as she went off to find her target.

Izuku ran into rooms, trying to find people he could escort out of the building but he found no one. He couldn't lose hope though as he rushed further down. He then spotted a figure on the ground as he then stopped abruptly. He knew two things, one, that figure was dead already and he was too late, or two, they're knocked unconscious and he still has a chance to save them.

Izuku gulped as he slowly approached the figure as the light started to reveal the mother of the household but into two pieces as she laid lifeless. Izuku widened his eyes as he then held his mouth at the sight.

Izuku shut his eyes as he didn't want to look at it any further. He then lifted one eye open as he then saw a dairy on the ground next to the woman's arms. Izuku then reached down to look at it. As he grabbed it he then turned around as he then opened the diary. He skimmed through the diary, hoping to find some things that could help like valuables that they kept.

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