Chapter 10

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The Executioner Has Arrived

At the dead of night there, laid a body without a head in the middle of the dark streets as a man is seen holding a woman by the neck, "Please let me go!" The woman exclaimed.

"No can do miss, haven't your parents told you not to play during the night," the man said. The woman gasped in fear, "Please I'll do anything," she pleaded as the man considered her offer.

"Is that so, well I'm a bit of a talker so how bout we chat for a bit," the man stated. "Yes, I'll talk!" The woman cried as she thought she was about to be free, "Then how does it feel being a head without a body," the man exclaimed. "Huh?" The woman couldn't think about what just happened as her body plopped to the floor but her head remained up as the man held her head.

"Splendid! Splendid! I can't get enough of this," he exclaimed as his face was converted to a wicked grin. The man shouted into the sky as his face was filled with glee.

"I must say you are one crazy maniac," a voice called out as the man turned around to see a man with a mask that looked like a fox mask and he was wearing a black suit and tie.

"Oh another victim, Splendid!" The man happily exclaimed as he pulled his hidden blades out of both hands. The masked man held his hand up, "Oh don't worry, even if you tried to kill me, you'll be dead before you could lay a finger," the masked man taunted.

The crazed man dashed forward and tried to cut him but the masked man vanished into the shadows. "Well, it's not like you'll live anyway," the masked man muttered as he vanished in the shadows.

Night Raid Base

Izuku and Tatsumi were sparring against Bulat. Tatsumi charged at him with his wooden blade as he did a downward cut towards his head but Bulat intercepted it with a block of his polearm.

He then rotated his polearm where Tatsumi's blade was brushed to the side. Bulat used that opening to use the other end of his polearm to hit Tatsumi's left side. But before he could do that Izuku ran up to him and held his arms up to block the attack. As soon as it hit Izuku's arms he grabbed the end of the pole arm.

Tatsumi used that opportunity to sweep under Bulat and tried to jab him with the wooden blade from behind. Bulat then used his strength to throw Izuku off of the polearm's end as Izuku was flung across the training field as Bulat parried Tatsumi's attack.

Izuku got back up and charged at Bulat, Izuku was now closing in on Bulat and Tatsumi tried to keep Bulat's attention on him but he swung his weapon to the side so fast that Tatsumi was launched. Bulat turned towards Izuku as he was now ready for him.

Izuku kept charging at him as Bulat changed the position of his polearm to his side. Izuku widened his eyes as Bulat did a side slash. On instinct Izuku ducked under the attack and slid under Bulat's legs as Izuku repositioned himself for a kick to his ribs.

As his kick landed but It looked as if Bulat didn't feel anything. "That was a good strategy, but what if your opponent was able to withstand that, what then?" Bulat asked as he spun his polearm and swung at Izuku. Izuku brought his arms up to block it. As soon as it hit his arms, Izuku was sent flying like Tatsumi.

Tatsumi and Izuku were now on the ground laying there, breathing heavily. "That was a good workout you guys," Bulat complimented them. Tatsumi lifted himself up, "Jeez Aniki, you sent both of us flying," Tatsumi stated as Bulat laughed out loud, "Hahaha! Oh come on you have to be prepared for heavy hitters like me," he explained.

Izuku and Tatsumi both got up as they sat on the ground catching their breaths. "Izuku," Bulat called out, Izuku looked up at him, "You're a quick thinker, it's good for battles that come unexpected, but what you lack is raw strength and a quick way to knock out an enemy," Bulat lectured.

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