Chapter 14

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The Will to Save

Izuku couldn't believe what this man was saying. He made a bargain with the one who brought him here, and now he is someone that needs to save this world. "But why me, they're better heroes than me, so why me," Izuku questioned. Kitsune looked at him, it was silent for a moment until he started to laugh. "That isn't even a hard question, tell me Izuku, who was the one who jumped into danger after seeing a boy trapped in a sludge monster," Kitsune stated.

"It was you who showed that you have the will to save anyone, so why not you," Kitsune answered. Izuku was still not convinced, he still doubted the man, "But still, I'm just a hero-in-training, why go so far to save this world," Izuku asked. Kitsune sighed, "You have room to grow, Izuku, your power and spirit will be tested, so ask yourself, this Izuku Midoriya, are you ready to become a symbol?" Kitsune asked Izuku.

Izuku was perplexed by his question, is he ready? Izuku didn't know what to say, but first of all was he worthy of it? Izuku for so long had doubted himself, a part of him still believes he's the useless Deku from before. "Let me rephrase that again, are you ready to save everyone?" Kitsune spoke again.

Izuku widened his eyes, those words. His dream, that's what he always wanted to do. He wanted to save people like All Might, that's all he wanted, ever since he was a kid. This may be a different world, but didn't he promise to Akame that he'll save Night Raid and her from the darkness that has forced them on the path of carnage? Izuku knew what he had to do now, in order to get home with Eri. "I.." Izuku started, "Hm?" Kitsune questioned.

"I don't know if I can do what you expect me to do, but..." Izuku looked at Kitsune with determination, "But I'll do things what I want to do, and that's to save these people who suffered long enough, I don't care if I become a symbol or not, all I ever wanted to do was to save people, so that's why I'll save them, whatever it takes," Izuku stated, determination lit his eyes.

Kitsune smiled under his mask, "I see, well then, I look forward to your progress, Izuku Midoriya," Kitsune stated. He turned to walk away but then stopped, "One more thing, your friends are in trouble, they might need your assistance near a clock tower by the park," Kitsune informed him.

Izuku widened his eyes, "What!" Izuku exclaimed. Kitsune turned to him, "I would suggest you hurry, before someone dies," the man warned him. Izuku didn't bother trying to question him how he knew, he busted through the dark dome with 20% Full Cowling and dashed towards the direction Kitsune pointed towards.

Kitsune watched him as his figure started to vanish through the night sky. He looked up and smiled, "I can't wait to see what you become out of this, Izuku," the man whispered.

Izuku was rushing through the city as he tried to avoid the public eye. Izuku put on his mask as he dashed through the night, he then spotted a clock tower not far from the city. He then heard gunshots being fired, "I have to hurry!" Izuku jumped from building to building.

Meanwhile Mein and Sheele were fighting a girl with auburn hair, Seryu had attacked them while they were retreating back to the base. Sheele was holding off Seryu while Mein dealt with her Teigu, Koro. Sheele clashed her giant scissor with Seryu's what looked to be tonfas. Sheele easily dealt with her by cutting both her arms off but guns replaced her arms as the protruded out of her cut arms.

But Sheele was ready for anything, Sheele blocked all of her attacks and cut the gun arms off. Seryu laid there as she looked like she didn't have any fight left in her. Sheele then looked where Mein was, only to see that she was close to getting eaten by the Teigu. Mein was awaiting her death but never came, she looked up to see Sheele cut Koro's mouth as he flew past them.

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