Chapter 21

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The Truth

The battle was over, Doctor Stylish and his experiments were all eliminated. Najenda rode on the Manta Ray Danger Beast that carried Mein, Chelsea, Eri, and Sheele. Najenda then steered the Beast towards the group that fought the doctor. Akame held Izuku as he passed out due to exhaustion. Tatsumi rushed over towards the duo.

"Akame! Are you guys alright," Tatsumi asked.

Akame nodded as she laid Izuku down on the ground. Tatsumi sighed as he was about to speak, the Danger beast that the rest of the group were on, landed near them.

"Is everyone alright," Najenda asked.

"Yeah, Izuku is just exhausted," Tatsumi explained.

Sheele then spotted the new gauntlets that Izuku was wearing.

"Is it just me or does Izuku have new equipment," Sheele questioned.

Everyone then looked at Izuku's arms to see the new white gauntlets that wrapped around his arms as if they were bandages.

"Wait what happened to his Teigu, did they break?" Mein asked.

Akame looked at the new gauntlets as she too was questioning why he replaced them.

"Maybe they evolved, it happened with Incursio." Tatsumi deduced.

Najenda sighed, "It's best if Izuku explains it to you all, but first we need to find a new base location. Who knows if the Empire knows of this location," Najenda changed the subject.

She turned to Susanoo and signaled him to carry Izuku. He complied and lifted Izuku up and carried him to the Danger Beast. The rest followed behind him.

"Wait, where's Leone and Lubbock?" Tatsumi asked.

"Right behind you," Leone whispered into his ears.

Tatsumi jumped and turned around, "The hell Sis! Where did you come from?" Tatsumi questioned.

Leone laughed as Lubbock groaned.

"Good to see you both, now let's hurry. We don't have time to waste," Najenda stated.

As the group hopped on the Manta ray, Najenda signaled the beast to fly. It rose above the ground and flew off.

Akame laid Izuku on her lap as Eri was on the other side of her. Eri constantly worried about Izuku as he rested. Akame stared at Izuku as she could hear him gently snoring as if he didn't get enough rest. Akame then remembered the strange ability that Izuku used. The black tendrils that appeared on his hands. She started to wonder if Izuku was hiding something from them. Akame then gently brushed a strand of hair to the side as she felt the air blowing as they soared through the sky.

"What are you hiding Izuku," she asked herself.

Hours later

As Izuku slowly started to regain consciousness, he opened his eyes to see Akame and the blue sky. He saw that Akame's hair was blowing, as if they were in the sky. Akame then looked down and smiled, "Good morning, Izuku," she greeted him.

Izuku slowly lifted himself up as he looked around, only to see them on the Manta ray, soaring through sky.

"Looks like someone is awake," Izuku turned towards the voice to see Najenda and the rest of the group.

"We're about to land so don't worry," She informed him.

Izuku then looked at Akame as she had a conflicted look on her face. Izuku, being worried about his friends, went up to Akame as he grabbed her hand.

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