Chapter 31

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Chapter 31

Battle with the Dark

Kyoroch District

The moon glazed over the district, markets still bustling as people walked the streets at night in Kyoroch. But at night is where the dangers still lurk in the shadows. Kyoroch is anything but safe, it's where crime still runs amok in the district, even if the "Way of Peace" Foundation is settled in this district, corruption still spreads even in peace cults.

Najenda stood up on a roof top as she had binoculars, looking at a house far in the distance. "There's the target, Mein are you ready,"

"Yeah, got the place memorized," she grabbed Pumpkin as she scoped into the house.

"Good, I heard the Jaegers are also in the city, no need to rush, go as planned, we'll bring down Bolic and his aides!"

The rest of Night Raid showed up behind her as Tatsumi grabbed Incursio and stared intently at the house. Tatsumi watched as everyone got into position, as he was about to move until he noticed Akame staring off into the distance. Nowhere near the target location, but towards a certain location.

Tatsumi noticed the look on Akame's face, worry. Akame looked off in the distance as she then closed her eyes. Remembering a smile that brightens a room. She then focused as she then ran towards the target's location. Tatsumi watched her follow the rest of Night Raid. Tatsumi sighed as he looked where Akame was staring at.

In the dark alleys is where crime goes on in the night, where no one is seen and where people can get away with crimes.

"Stop! Please I'm begging you," a woman pleaded as she was pinned against the wall by a crook.

"You know lady, you shouldn't be out at night alone," the guy laughed as four more guys approached.

"Looks like we're having fun tonight~" one of the guys slurred as he looked at the lady.

Tears started to flow down her cheeks as she watched the man grabbed her dress and tore it off.


Before she could scream, the man covered her mouth as he had drool coming out of his mouth as he stared at the woman's body, all she had was her garments on her as he then tore off her bra as she closed her eyes in fear,

"Oooh," the men behind him were getting impatient as they started to huddle in closer.

"We got a good catch tonight boys, now let's get started shall we," the man grinned.

The woman widened her eyes as only saw monsters approaching her as she closed her eyes one more time.

The man was about to continue until he heard someone land a few feet away from them. He turned to see no one standing there, it was too dark to see anything clearly. He ignored it as he then tried to continue as he then heard footsteps approaching them. The men looked towards the direction as they froze in fear as they only saw glowing green eyes staring at them. Burning holes through their souls.

One man was brave enough to speak up, "W-Who the hell are you!"

The woman opened her eyes as she saw the glowing eyes, she too felt fear as the green eyes slowly started to get closer.

"Hey don't come any closer or we'll-"

Before anything was done, a flash of green lightning zoomed right past them, the man holding the woman couldn't even see what just flew by as he saw all of his men gone. He let go of the woman as he fell down, noticing his men were gone.

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