Chapter 15

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Akame, Tatsumi, Najenda, and Bulat arrived at the location that Lubbock had pinpointed. They arrived at the cave where Lubbock reported. They entered as they pulled out their weapons. Bulat stood at the rear to make sure no one was behind then, Tatsumi was on the right side while Akame was on the left, and of course Najenda was at the front.

They then heard panting as they moved deeper into the cave. As they got close, they saw blood on the walls, Najenda then saw a figure leaning on the wall. Luckily, she brought a lantern, she lit it and moved towards the figure. As she came near the figure, she sighed. She then turned to Bulat, "Bulat, I need bandages," she ordered, Bulat shook his head, "I left them with Leone and Lubbock," Bulat responded.

Akame then walked forwards to see Izuku nearly losing consciousness, she saw two bullet wounds, one on his left shoulder and one on his right thigh. He also had a scorched and bruised arm, his breathing was staggering as he tried to stay awake. Akame knew that he hadn't given up, all the adrenaline was rushing through Izuku's body.

Akame then walked towards Izuku, as she was close enough, she sat near him and wrapped her arms around him, "Welcome back," she whispered into his ears. Izuku then fell into a slumber, Akame then let go of him as Bulat came up towards him and carried him on his back.

"Let's hurry back to the base before he loses more blood," Bulat suggested, they all nodded. They rushed back to the base, as they were heading there, Tatsumi was worried that Izuku wouldn't be able to carry out his missions, his arm looked to be broken. But nevertheless, Tatsumi was relieved to see his friend still alive.

They then arrived at the base, Bulat busted through the door. Leone was startled with the sudden appearance but saw Izuku on his back. "Take him to his room," Leone calmly said. Bulat nodded, Najenda followed right behind as Akame and Tatsumi stood there watching Bulat take Izuku to his room.

Tatsumi sighed, he turned to Akame, "Glad he's still alive," Tatsumi stated. Akame turned to him and nodded, "Mm..." she hummed, Leone then smiled, "Hey, cheer up he's going to be fine," Leone tried to cheer them up but Akame saw the state of his arm, "I don't think he will ever enter any mission with that kind of injury," she stated.

Tatsumi nodded as Leone's smile turned into a grim expression. Eri had heard the conversation, she saw Izuku when they entered. But the state he was in terrified her, but at the same time, she wanted to help him. She was saved by him, both Mirio and Izuku gave her freedom and hope. She didn't want that hope to die, she resolved herself and ran towards the direction of Izuku's room.

While Bulat laid Izuku on his bed, Najenda was getting bandages to cover the bullet wounds. Bulat helped Najenda with them, Eri peeked into the room. She was scared that if she revealed her quirk, they would be scared of her. Eri shook her head, 'No! You've been improving yourself, Mr. Eraserhead has been helping you to help people, Deku-san has saved me, it's my turn, to return that kindness,' Eri then steeled herself and entered the room.

Najenda then turned towards her, "Eri, you can't be in here, Izuku will be fine," she tried to reassure the little girl but to no avail. Eri shook her head, "I..." she stopped for a second, rethinking her decision but she reminded herself that Izuku needed her.

"I can help, let me help, I can... I can save Deku-san!" Eri exclaimed, she was scared but right now she wanted to do this. Najenda admired the girl's will and devotion to help him. Bulat tried to speak but Najenda interrupted him. "If you believe you can help, then show me," Najenda stated. Bulat looked bewildered, he didn't want to bring Eri down, but what could she do to help Izuku with a arm that is beyond repair.

Eri held her hands together, she then hardened her resolve once more and approached Izuku. Akame, Leone, and Tatsumi had entered the room. Akame was surprised to see Eri, she saw Eri walk up to Izuku as she hovered her hand over his right arm that was broken beyond repair, Eri closed her eyes and inhaled, and then exhaled.

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