Chapter 11

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Shrouded in Darkness

Izuku stood there in the alley as he looked at the figure known as All Might. As Izuku took a step forward, All Might rotated and went the other direction. "W-Wait!" Izuku exclaimed as he ran after him. Akame then approached the alley that Izuku went to. "Are you done yet, we have to-" She stopped as she didn't see anyone.

Meanwhile Izuku was chasing All Might, while he was chasing him, Izuku had so many questions flooding his mind, 'What's going on, how did All Might get here? Did they find me here?' Izuku thought as All Might stopped in front of what looked to be a chapel. Izuku stopped a few meters away from him, 'Or, could this be a trap,' Izuku readied himself as he distanced himself.

Izuku activated 20% of Full Cowling and remained where he stood. As All Might had a surprised look but then it distorted into a wicked and twisted smile. "Impressive, how did you know it wasn't the person you loved," a voice asked as it wasn't familiar to Izuku.

"Who are you," Izuku asked instead of answering his question. Then the image of All Might disappeared as Izuku now sees a man with an eye looking item on his forehead, the man had gray blonde hair and a grey trench coat on. "You can call me Zank, the Executioner," Zank then protruded hidden blades on both of his arms, forming an X-shape.

Izuku kept looking at his now opponent, 'This is bad I didn't expect to encounter him so soon, I should probably stall until backup arrives,' Izuku thought. "Well then before they arrive here, your head will be on the floor," Zank exclaimed. Izuku widened his eyes, 'W-What? Did he read my mind,' Izuku thought as Zank grinned, "Surprised? This is my teigus ability. Spectator is capable of reading one-" As Zank tried to explain his teigu, Izuku took the opportunity to attack as he dashed towards Zank.

Zank knew this was coming and stepped to the right as Izuku flew by with a straight kick. Izuku then skidded as he turned to see Zank already upon him. Izuku then tried to dodge the blade that was coming on his left, but Zank read his thoughts and moved his right and as Izuku barely had time to dodge. He ducked under both blades as he tried to go in for a punch, only to be met with a kick aimed for his face.

Izuku put up his arms as he felt the impact and was sent back a few feet. Izuku then put his right arm forward and reeled his fingers back as he launched a barrage of Delaware Smashes at Zank.

Zank rushed towards Izuku as he dodged and cut the air bullets. Izuku then planted his left leg on the ground as hard as he could as the ground protruded up, creating a wall. Izuku then jumped up the wall as he then spotted Zank at the bottom of the wall and lunged forward.

Zank looked up as he grinned, Zank was enjoying every moment of this. He stepped to the right as Izuku came crashing down and caused an explosion of dust.

Zank then covered his eyes as the dust was filling the area. Zank then looked around him, Izuku then came up behind him as he reeled his fist back. Zank didn't have enough time to turn around fast enough as Izuku collided his fist into his right cheek, sending Zank back a few meters.

Zank stopped himself from going any further. He then started to laugh, "Splendid, Splendid! Using the wall so I couldn't read your thoughts and movements while crashing down to cover the area with dust to conceal my sight on you, Splendid, Splendid!" Zank exclaimed.

Izuku got ready for his opponent to move, "Why," Izuku muttered. "Huh?" Zank hummed, "Why are you doing this, what are you gaining from all this murder," Izuku asked as Zank stared at him, he then smiled, "Because I enjoy this, seeing the expressions on severed heads, nothing is more entertaining than that! That's why I do this!" Zank shouted in glee.

Izuku had a horrified look but then resolved himself. 'I can' I'll...' Izuku thought. "Save me? From what, the only person who needs saving is you!" Zank retorted. Izuku hardened his eyes as he readied himself again, "I'll stop you from hurting other people, right here right now!" Izuku exclaimed with determination.

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