Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

The Man in the Mask

Izuku And Leone stood away from each other as they stared down at each other. Tatsumi, Sheele, and Mein were watching on the sidelines of the training grounds, waiting to see who would strike first. Leone smirked as she dashed forward towards Izuku. Izuku responded with a dash as well as they both exchanged fists.

Both reacted dodging their attacks as they proceeded to trade blows. Izuku had been learning techniques from both Bulat and Leone, he had fully taken notes on their movements and stances. He had some of their moves ingrained into his head. Leone threw a right hook towards his face as Izuku ducked under it and landed his fist on her stomach, making her step back a bit as she put distance between them.

Izuku got into stance again, "Not bad greenie," Leone complimented as she rushed forward again. Izuku then thought of a plan, as she ran up on him he waited for a split second for her to close the distance. As she closed it and had her right fist already aiming for his face. He moved to the left as Leone's fist flew by his face, he then grabbed her arm and pulled her close as he did a suckerpunch at her stomach again.

She gritted but what she didn't expect was to be lifted up and over Izuku as he pulled with all his strength and slammed her down on the floor. Leone grunted in surprise as she wasn't expecting that from Izuku. But she then recovered from her shock as she lifted herself up and rotated her body and stuck her leg out and swept Izuku's legs causing him to lose his balance.

Izuku was now alarmed by the situation he was in as Leone got up and slammed her fist down on Izuku's stomach, making him slam down on the floor, making a cloud of dust. Izuku then coughed as he felt a massive shock pain on his stomach as Leone was now on top of him holding her fist above his face.

"Surrender?" Leone asked, Izuku looked at her and nodded. She then got off of him as she dusted herself. Izuku lifted himself up as he sat there rubbing his stomach. "Ow..." Izuku groaned, Leone started to laugh, "That's what you get for suckerpunching me in the stomach two times and flipping me over," Leone stated.

"Sorry I just saw an opportunity and I took it," Izuku stated. Izuku stood up as he dusted himself, Leone then stuck her hand out, "That was a good spar though, hope to keep doing this again," Leone stated. Izuku nodded and shook her hand, but what he didn't expect was to be pulled into a hug as he was now suffocating in Leone's breasts. "Come on give Onee-san a hug," Leone exclaimed.

Tatsumi and Mein started to sweatdrop at the scene as Izuku struggled to get out of her grip. His face was completely red, Sheele then heard footsteps approaching them as she turned. "Oh hi Akame and Eri," Sheele greeted, Eri waved at her as Akame nodded. Then Akame looked at the two at the training grounds as she saw Izuku being smuggled by Leone. The two were unaware of Akame, Eri looked at the scene as she was confused.

Tatsumi and Mein were just witnessing the scene in front of them until they felt a chilling aura near them as they shivered in the atmosphere. They turned towards the source as they saw Akame surrounded in a dark aura, Eri and Sheele were oblivious as they chatted with each other. Akame's hair covered her eyes but you could tell that she was mad.

Tatsumi started to sweat bullets as he didn't know why Akame was mad but Mein on the other hand wanted Leone to let go of Izuku because who knows what could happen. Leone was still smuggling Izuku as Izuku tried to get away from her, "Leone! Let go please," Izuku pleaded, Leone grinned, "Aw, what's the matter just give Onee-san a hug already," Leone grinned. "Leone I can't breathe," Izuku stated.

As Leone kept burying Izuku in her breast, Akame casually walked up to them. Leone now saw her but now had a horrified look as she saw Akame's eyes gleam with anger. She had her usually stoic face but the aura around her was telling her emotions. Leone couldn't even greet her as Akame grabbed Izuku's arm and pulled him out from Leone's grasp and dragged him away from her, "Huh? Akame?" Izuku noticed her but was oblivious to her aura as she pulled him away.

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