Chapter 25

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In the prestigious hero school U.A. A meeting was happening as all the teachers gathered in a room discussing a certain greenette's and a little girl's disappearance. In front of them all is the principal of U.A. Principal Nezu, sitting on the right of him was Shota Aizawa and on the left is Class 1B's homeroom teacher, Kan Sekijiro also known as Vlad King.

Every teacher was present in the room including the former number one hero, All Might. The room was filled with tension and anxiousness.

"Principal Nezu, this is a problem we have contacted the police for evidence on the whereabouts of Izuku Midoriya or Eri but no sign of him anywhere," Midnight addressed.

"I am well aware of that," he responded.

"Where do you think they took them exactly," Present Mic asked.

"I would like to know as well, for all we know they could've been transported to another continent," Bloodhound answered.

"I can't track their scent anywhere in the nearby areas, so it's safe to say they're not anywhere here," he continued.

"Grrgh damn it! These students already had enough to deal with and now they have to deal with a missing student and a U.A resident! For Christ sake we just got finished with the cultural festival," Vlad grunted.

"It is certainly concerning, for all we know we have no idea why the villain took him and her specifically," Nezu deduced.

"You think they want information out of him? And for her maybe it's one of Overhaul's members," Midnight wondered.

"Couldn't be during the raid we captured all of his goons there's no way there could be more," Aizawa stated.

"It's a possibility, as for Midoriya, their reason for kidnapping him is unclear," Snipe stated.

"You said information Midnight? What information would he have? It's not like he knows anything important that should be kept a secret right?" Present Mic denied.

Nezu looked at All Might as the skinny blonde man looked at the table.

'If they were looking for information, does that mean they know about his quirk?' All Might thought.

"Well whatever the reason is we need to find them asap, who knows what they could be doing to them right now," Aizawa stated.

"He's right, now is not the time to question their motives, for now finding Midoriya and Eri is our top priority," Nezu ordered.

"I want the police force to help with the investigation, make sure no one knows about this, we can't have the public panic," Nezu continued.

"They've been missing for three weeks now, you think we'll find him?" Snipe asked.

"It doesn't matter, we have to find him, he is a student of this institution, he is our responsibility just like all the other students, as well as young Eri" All Might stated.

Nezu nodded, "This meeting is over, you know what to do,"

They all nodded.

"May I ask something Principal," Present Mic blurted.

"What is it?"

"What do we do with Class 1A, I'm sure they would want to join in the search," he asked.

"I cannot risk another student to end up being abducted again," Nezu answered.

Class 1A Dorm

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