Chapter 8

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A Sudden Arrival

It had been a few days after Izuku's and Tatsumi's first missions. At the Night Raid base, not far from there is a small area filled with lush green grassy fields with rocks protruding out of the ground. There is a hill that is steep and can spot a green headed boy carrying giant rocks over his shoulders as he slowly jogs up the hill. Izuku has been doing this since the dawn, Leone woke him up early in the morning to do some morning exercise.

What Izuku didn't know was that he was going to be running up and down carrying rocks that weighed approximately 80 pounds. Leone told him to carry two rocks over his shoulder and run up and down the hill. He had been doing this for five hours already and was gasping for air, 'This reminds me of the time when I trained for the entrance exam at U.A,' Izuku thought to himself as he was approaching the top, where Leone was supervising him.

As He reached the top he then stopped to catch his breath. Izuku felt his legs and arms aching as his throat was dry, desperately in need of water. Leone walked towards him as she clapped her hands, "Good job that concludes training for today," She stated as Izuku dropped the rocks off of his shoulders. He then fell down and laid on the grass as he was heavily breathing for air.

As he laid there, he stared up into the sky as he watched the clouds slowly moving across the sky. He couldn't imagine that he was in another world. He wondered how his classmates were doing, after all he disappeared right in front of them. Izuku closed his eyes as he felt the wind gently breeze by him. He opened them again as he reminisced about what happened back at the camp. How people were never safe from this Empire.

Izuku knew he had to return home but he couldn't just leave people, desperately pleading for help. He knows it isn't his business but.

'Meddling when you don't need to, is the essence of a hero,'

He remembered the words that came out of All Might's mouth, the words that allowed him to push forward.

"Hey Greenie, let's head back to the base, bet breakfast is ready," Leone called out.

Izuku got up as he felt the soreness kick in as he stretched a bit. He then followed Leone back to the base as Leone looked back at the young hero. She noticed that the boy was in deep thought. She faced forward as she placed her hands behind her hind as she looked up to the sky.

'Wonder what's he thinking?'

'Wonder what's he thinking?'

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The Base

Meanwhile Tatsumi was tasked to wake Mein up since he was now training under her. As Tatsumi made a mistake when entering a girl's room. He forgot to knock, "Mein when are you going to ke-" Tatsumi stopped as he fully opened the door. Mein, now frozen as they both stared at each other for a second. Mein was revealed to be in her bra, everything happened so fast. Now there is a hole in the building.

"Hey watch where you're shooting that thing you could've killed me!" Tatsumi shouted at her as he barely dodged the shot from Pumpkin. "Well you shouldn't have you pervert!" She exclaimed as she had her rifle locked and loaded, "Well it's your fault for sleeping this late..." Tatsumi slowly realized that Mein was about to fire another shot, "Well, haven't you heard of KNOCKING!" She screamed as she fired another round.

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