Chapter 38

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Clash! Hero vs Soldier

"Wave, be careful when you fight Deku" Run warned him as Wave was training. Wave stopped and looked at Run.

"Did you encounter him?! Are you hurt? Did he do anything to-"

"Yes Wave I'm fine, but you need to listen to me,"

Wave looked at him as he never seen Run like this, he never thought the cool and collected Run could be this worried.

"Deku is far beyond what we've heard about, he is someone that poses a threat not only to us but the entire Empire," Run warned him.

Wave looked at him as he clenched his fist, "Even so, I have to...for Bols...for Seryu..."

Run couldn't change his mind even if he wanted to. The man sighed as he placed his hand on his shoulder, "Just be careful,"


Wave watched Izuku, waiting for him to move as Izuku then got into a low stance as green electricity started to surge out of his body, dancing around him. Then in an instant he appeared in front of Wave in a matter of seconds.

Wave widened his eyes as he quickly put his arms in front of him. In that moment, Wave felt an entire mountain getting pushed onto him.

Wave was shocked as Izuku drove his fist into his arms. Launching Wave back, leaving a trail of destruction behind him.

Wave then slammed into a rock as he coughed up blood. He felt his arms shaking as he looked up to see Izuku standing there, his eyes were determined and burning with a fire he hadn't seen in anyone.

Wave stood up as he tried to shake it off.

Wave...if you do fight Deku, please come back alive okay?"

"Don't worry Kurome..."

He slammed his foot on the ground as a blue glow came out of his eyes.

"I'm going to make this guy pay!"

He dashed towards Izuku at an incredible speed. Izuku however sidestepped his punch as Wave widened his eyes as he twirled around and swung his leg for a roundhouse kick.

Izuku grabbed his leg as he lifted him off the ground and threw him. Wave summoned his spear and slammed it to the ground, preventing him from going further away from the Hero. Wave then reeled his arm back as he threw his spear with all his might towards Izuku. Making a loud boom sound as soon as he threw it.

Izuku ducked under the spear, he turned his head to face Wave but he saw a knee in front of him. Wave then kneed him in the face as Izuku recoiled back.

But the hero recovered quickly as he saw Wave going for a punch but Izuku tilted his head to the left as he dodged the punch. Izuku then grabbed his arm as he twirled him body and slammed him to the ground causing a crater to be created as soon as he slammed Wave to the ground.

Wave coughed as he felt the blow but he then rolled away as Izuku slammed his fist down where he was at, making the crater larger than before.

Wave then went in for another punch but Izuku intercepted with his own fist. As soon as they collided, a shockwave was created, spreading throughout the area.

But they didn't stop there as they started to release a barrage of punches at each other, creating after images of their punches.

Then their punches connected to each other's face as Izuku then shrugged it off as he then put more force, Wave feeling the increase of pressure. Wave was then sent back again but the soldier didn't let up as he charged at Izuku again.

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