Chapter 6

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First Mission

On a cliff where you could see the Night Raid base just a little, the base blended into the scenery. Making it hard to see where the base was actually. A man then stepped out of the forest, dressed in a black cloak with a whit kitsune mask on. He approached the edge of the cliff as he stared at the base.

"Finally, the course of history will change now that you have arrived, Izuku Midoriya." The man muttered.

As the wind blew, the man looked up at the sun as he turned around.

"I have high expectations, young hero," with that, the man opened a dark portal and stepped inside. Completely vanishing from the premise.

With Izuku

As Izuku and Tatsumi followed Akame, each carrying baskets. As they walked behind the girl, Izuku questioned why they just carried baskets.

'Where's the rod? Are we fishing?' Izuku asked in his mind.

Izuku then saw a clearing in front of them as they walked out of the forest, they were hit with a stunning view of a waterfall as nature was surrounding them. Izuku completely awed by the view he stared at the sight for a while until,

"W-what the hell are you doing?!" He heard Tatsumi shout behind him.

Izuku turned around only to see Akame pulling up her shirt. Izuku froze as he quickly turned around, he stood still, stiff as a board.

"What are you two doing," she asked.

Izuku shut his eyes as a million thoughts were running through his head.

"Oh, you're just in swim wear," Tatsumi sighed.

Izuku opened his eyes and turned around to see Akame in a white swimsuit. Izuku turned completely red as he just stood there like an idiot. Akame walked past him as she stretched a bit.

Izuku snapped out of it, "Wait, how are we going to catch fish,"

"We'll be catching koga tuna, with our bare hands," she responded to Izuku's question.

Izuku widened his eyes at the way she caught fish.

"Wait the koga tuna, aren't they very vigilant?" Tatsumi questioned.

Akame ignored him as she dived into the lake. Izuku looked down as she was deep in the water. After a few seconds, a butch of tuna started to fly out of the water as it started to land in Akame's basket. Izuku was awed by the feat as Akame popped out of the water.

"Make sure you conceal your presence and catch them by surprise," Akame instructed.

Tatsumi smirked as he then started to strip, "Alright then bring it on,"

He dove into the water as Izuku stood there, blinking for a second.

"I guess I'll join as well," he muttered as he started to take off his clothes as well. He then dove into the water as a splash could be heard throughout the forest.

Few hours Later

"Hahahaha!" Leone started to laugh as she held her stomach and placed her foot on the table.

As hours passed Izuku, Tatsumi, and Akame returned. As they brought back tuna but well.

"So you two only caught half as much as Akame altogether," Najenda summed up the situation Akame told her.

"Hey it isn't our fault that those things are fast," Tatsumi interjected.

Izuku was slumped on the table as he groaned.

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