Chapter 19

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The Reveal and Awakening

Izuku stared at his new gauntlets as he moved and stretched his hands for a bit. "These gauntlets work like the ones Melissa gave me, and apparently they look similar, just the color scheme is different," Izuku muttered. He then tried to revert them back into bracelets but there was one problem, "How do I get these off?" Izuku asked. Izuku checked the gauntlets for a button but there were no buttons and knuckles weren't helping either.

As Izuku kept trying to find a way to revert the knuckles back, Najenda walked into the tent he stayed in, "Having trouble with your gauntlets?" Najenda asked. Izuku jumped a little as he looked at Najenda, "Haha... yeah..." Izuku groaned as he put his head down. Najenda sighed, "Just think about unequipping it or deactivating it," Najenda stated as if she knew what he was trying to do. Izuku looked at her then at the gauntlets, he then closed his eyes. 'Deactivate, deactivate, deactivate...' Izuku kept repeating the words in his head as he thought of the image of deactivating it.

He opened his eyes to see if anything changed. But sadly the gauntlets were still there. He sighed, "How am I supposed to unequip this," Izuku sighed but as soon as he said that the gauntlets glowed green and began shrinking into the form of a bracelet. Izuku widened his eyes as he stared at his arms. They were now visible and not covered in a metallic white bandage.

"Looks like there's a voice activation and deactivation for it," Najenda explained. Izuku then looked at the bracelets as he stared at them, 'If It's voice activation then,' Izuku thought as he held his arms up. "Equip," in response to his word the bracelets reformed into the gauntlets once again.

Izuku sighed as he figured out how to deactivate his brand new support item or his Teigu. But Izuku was still slumped on his new weapons, 'How did the first emperor create something like this, they couldn't have the same concept and also did someone else wield these 1000 years ago?' Izuku asked himself. 'And why isn't it recorded into the data books on Teigus,' Izuku kept asking questions in his mind.

Najenda cleared her throat as it snapped Izuku out of his thoughts. "Now before we helped the father and son from those Spector Raptors, you didn't answer my questions," Najenda reminded him. Izuku flinched, "What is One for All and where do you really come from," Najenda questioned.

Izuku gulped as he now had to explain. 'Do I tell her the truth, or do I stall?' Izuku brainstormed solutions but he sighed. 'No it's time she knew the truth, if it weren't for her and Night Raid, I'd be dead right now in this world,' Izuku concluded. "Alright, I'll tell you the truth," Izuku finally spoke up. Najenda then got comfortable because she had a feeling this was going to be a long story.

After explaining his story

Izuku sighed as he looked back at Najenda, she had a neutral face. It stayed that way for a few minutes, "'re not from another country, but from another world," Najenda spoke up. Izuku nodded, "And your world is filled with people who were born with powers called Quirks," Najenda continued. Izuku once again nodded, Najenda then rubbed her head. "But didn't you say that your mentor gave you those powers" Najenda stated, Izuku nodded, "He gave me a chance to become the person I want to be, if it weren't for him, I'd probably be living my life as a civilian," Izuku explained.

Najenda sighed as sat down on a chair. She pulled a cigarette out as he lit it, she had a lot going through in her mind right now. "So... what's your plan after we overthrow the Empire," Najenda asked. Izuku looked up at her, he stopped to think, 'Wait, how am I going to return home after all of this,' Izuku thought, Izuku sat there in silence as he was now wondering on 'how' to get home.

"You don't know, do you," Najenda guessed. Izuku shook his head, "It's that I don't know and it's whether if I can return home is the issue, I have to return Eri home as well," Izuku answered. Najenda looked at him, she nodded as he took a quick puff of her cigarette. "That is an issue, but for now don't look too much into the future, it'll distract you from missions," Najenda stated.

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