Chapter 5

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Izuku and Tatsumi stood in the middle of the room as Najenda sat on a chair in front of them while the other members of Night Raid surrounded them..

"Alright, I think I understand your situation, Tatsumi, Izuku, so how about it. Will you join us," Najenda offered.


"No," Izuku firmly replied, cutting Tatsumi off.

Najenda looked at Izuku intently as everyone else was surprised by how fast Izuku replied.

Najenda smiled, "And why is that Izuku,"

"Because I can't and will not kill people," he replied.

His gaze remained firm as he looked straight at her.

"Oh come on greenie, you are seriously wasting your potential," Leone spoke up.

Izuku looked at Leone as he gazed an apologetic look.

"I'm sorry but I can't kill people," Izuku stated.

"Izuku, the people that brought you in tried to deceive you and Tatsumi, those scum in the Capital, there are more people that are just as bad as the ones you met," Bulat informed him.

Izuku, still resilient, shook his head.

"I can't, no matter how many times you ask me, even if they are bad people, I still can't kill them," Izuku rejected.

"And what, report those scum to the authorities? They are as corrupt as the people who are doing it, the police are just as dirty as the scum in the Empire," Mein blurted.

Izuku stood there feeling the front of their reasoning but still Izuku couldn't kill people, he just couldn't. All he wanted in life was to save people.

Najenda looked at the boy as he felt conflicted. She then turned her gaze to Tatsumi,

"What about you, Tatsumi, what are your thoughts about this," Najenda asked the brunette

Tatsumi jumped a bit as he looked at Najenda,

"So... you guys kill the bad guys?" He asked.

Najenda nodded, "If you put it that way, then yes,"

Tatsumi then smiled and turned to Izuku, "Then I don't see the problem Izuku, they're just helping people by being heroes. What's wrong with that?"

Izuku looked at him as if he said something really dumb.

The rest of Night Raid started to laugh except for Akame.

"Tatsumi, we are far from heroes," Bulat replied.

"We do help people, but that doesn't mean that our actions are justified," Leone responded.

"Once we're done with our jobs, we'll die in the end for our crimes," Bulat stated.

"So, I ask again, hearing what you've heard, Tatsumi, will you join us," Najenda asked.

Izuku looked at Najenda in question. He felt that she gave up on asking him to join them.

"Do we get paid," Tatsumi asked.

Najenda nodded, "We do get funds, in order for us to keep running things here, The Revolutionary Army funds us in order for us to get Intel and snuff out people of authority in the wretched place,"

Tatsumi then looked down, then up at her again, "All I wanted is to save my village but hearing what the Empire has been doing is cruel and unjust, losing my friends in the process," Tatsumi clenched his fists.

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