Chapter 23

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A Symbol

Talio District (Didn't know any other districts in the series so I made this one up)

As the streets were filled in the night as shops were still open. This District is trapped by the Empire's dark influence. The military enforcing their power on the civilians.

On a nearby clock tower, a man stood on the hour hand as it was at the 12. This man is Kitsune, he peers over the looming city. He spots various soldiers abusing their power.

"This is it, time to reveal yourself to the world now, Izuku Midoriya," Kitsune hummed as he looked at the crescent moon.

He then vanished into the dark, not to be seen.

Night Raid's Temporary Base

Izuku stood at a clearing as he had his eyes closed as he seemed to be focusing on his right hand as it was out in front of him. Izuku then opened his eyes as he then focused One for All into his right arm as the power channeled through, a black small tendril appeared between his index and middle knuckles.

The black tendril didn't expand further as it abruptly dissipated as Izuku let out a heavy breath. He fell on his bottom as he sat there catching his breath. Izuku looked at his hands as he clenched them.

"Still trying to draw out more of that power," a voice called out behind him.

Izuku looked behind him and up as he was now looking at Susanoo. Izuku only nodded as he looked back at his hands with a frustrated gaze.

"I still can't figure out how to effectively get it out," Izuku explained.

Susanoo looked at Izuku, "Maybe you're looking at it from the same perspective," he stated.

Izuku widened his eyes as he looked at Susanoo again as he stood up, "What does that mean?" He asked.

"You're just drawing out that specific power when you really have more than one now, instead of trying to focus on one power, try drawing out both of them," Susanoo explained.

Izuku looked down, "That's... going to be hard,"

Susanoo placed a hand on his shoulder, "It's never easy, you have to use them simultaneously. Think of it as multitasking, using both of them will not only increase your body's compatibility but also experience with the power." He continued.

Izuku thought about it, 'He's right, it's like driving a car, the driver has to focus all of body parts, his feet on the pedal and the brakes, while his hands are on the wheel, his sight is focused on the road while watching his sides and the rear in order to see and switch lanes whenever he has to do multiple tasks in order to stay safe on the road,'

Izuku looked at Susanoo, "Thanks Susanoo, that really helped a lot, now I can figure out what I can train on,"

Susanoo nodded, "Also wanted to tell you that lunch will be in 30 minutes," he informed.

Izuku smiled and nodded, "Got it,"

With that, Susanoo left Izuku alone as Izuku continued to train, he activated 20% Full Cowling and tried activating Black Whip with Full Cowl. Izuku slowed his breathing as he concentrated on a singular point in his body, his heart. He could hear his beat, feel his beat.

Remember the words that Susanoo said but also the 5th's words as well.

"We're passed the point of singularity,"

Izuku took that to heart as he controlled every motion in his body, thanks to the training with Leone, Bulat, and Akame, he had more control of his body.

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