Chapter 18

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Hello, Ace Here, just updating this website. Not a new chapter for


Izuku was once again in a dark void, he looked around as he remembered this place from his previous dreams. "I'll stop you brother, what you're doing is wrong," a voice cried out. Izuku turns towards it as he sees the first predecessor of One For All. But that wasn't the only person he sees, a man with a suit with the exact same hair color as the first, was standing before him.

"Whatever do you mean my dear little brother, I'm giving these people salvation," a voice way too familiar for Izuku. The voice was the super villain, All For One. "My pitiful little brother, you who was born quirkless, I'll help you," All for One stated. All for One placed his hand on the First's face as the First struggled to get out of his grip but to no avail.

Izuku tried to reach the First but he had no legs or mouth, all could do was watch but then the first reached his hands out towards Izuku, "9th, it is all right, there is great evil that will appear in your path, but it's fine, because we'll be by your side, we have past the point of singularity, your only at 20% but it'll be fine, believe in yourself," as they both touched Izuku's body started to glow.


Izuku then widened his eyes as he realized it was just a dream... but was it really. Izuku tried to move but he felt two presences on him, he looked and spotted Akame sleeping on him and Eri in between. Izuku looked around as they were in the kitchen, Izuku then put the pieces back together as they slept in the kitchen, both of them.

Izuku realized that they were on the floor near the table, chairs spreaded out. Izuku sweatdropped, he then went to wake up Akame. He started to shake her, "Akame, wake up it's morning," Izuku whispered. Akame then started to stir awake, Akame's eyes started to flutter open. She then looked straight into Izuku's eyes as they both stared at each other for quite awhile.

Akame then unwrapped her arms around his neck as she got up from him and stood up. As soon as Akame got up, Eri started to wake up. Eri rubbed her eyes as she yawned. Akame smiled, "Good morning, Eri, Izuku," Eri smiled at her, "Mmm!" Eri responded. Izuku smiled, "Morning," Akame then stretched for a bit as she turned to exit the kitchen, "Eri, let's go brush our teeth," Akame stated. Eri then let go of Izuku's stomach and rushed to grab her hand. "We'll be back for breakfast," Akame informed Izuku.

He nodded and got up himself, "I should go back to my room as well," Izuku then headed back to his room to get his toothbrush. Izuku then traced his thoughts back to the dream he had, 'we have past the point of singularity,'

"What did he mean by that?"

Training ground

Akame had made breakfast for everyone as they headed towards the training ground to train. Tatsumi wanted to increase his strength since he could only use Incursio's trump card for a short amount of time. By training he had Sheele sit on his back and did push ups. Lubbock also wanted to do this, so he asked Leone to help him. So now both of them are doing push ups with the girls sitting on their backs.

Izuku watched as Eri sat on his lap, Akame sat next to Izuku as they watched the boys training. Mein then rushed out, "Hey who's willing to train with me," Mein exclaimed but then stopped as she spotted the two boys, "Uh what are you doing," as she witnessed them doing push ups, "Since I can only use Incursio's trump card for a short time...I thought I can bulk up... a bit," Tatsumi explained. Mein grew a slight blush but then look at Lubbock, "Why are you doing this," Mein asked Lubbock.

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