Chapter 2

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A New Threat

As Izuku stood in the bookstore as he reread the contents of the book. Trapped in a world where there is an empire that has been reigning over for thousands of years. And to make matters worse, the beats he encountered were actually called Danger Beast, as Tatsumi called them. But as far as going through the whole book again, Izuku knew that he landed in a different world.

Izuku sighed as he closed the book and walked over to the counter as the man looked at the boy.

"Found everything you needed," he asked.

Izuku nodded as he returned the book, "Thanks again,"

The man grinned, "Come back when you have money on you, these books aren't going to buy themselves,"

Izuku shook his head as he smiled and nodded.

"I'll keep that in mind," Izuku chuckled as he headed out of the store.

He looked up at the sky as it was turning noon, as he watched the sky gradient into a red hue. Izuku then looked at the ground, he still couldn't comprehend that he was in a different world. He needed to find a way home soon. His memories then brought him back to the man that brought him here. Izuku was determined to find the man and try to find answers to his kidnapping.

As his stomach growled, he then realized he hadn't eaten at all today as he then grabbed the bag that was handed to him. He pulled out a loaf of bread. Izuku grimaced but this was all he could eat for now until he could get home or a place to stay for the time being. As Izuku took a seat at a nearby table that wasn't occupied, he started to dig in his meal.

After a few minutes of eating he was stuffed as he smiled, his hunger fully satisfied as he stood up and proceeded to walk around the area as he needed to get familiarized with the land itself. Izuku then walked around to see less people around as nightfall was approaching. But while he wasn't looking, he bumped into someone. Caught off guard by this he stepped back as he looked in front of him to apologize but then realized that the person was a she, not that it was a problem though but what she wore was... revealing.

She wore a brown cloth that covered her breast, while wearing a white scarf with what looked to be baggy white pants with a belt that had a strange stone embedded in the middle. But clearly her cleavage was basically open.

Izuku's face reddened a bit as he looked away.

"I-I'm sorry! I didn't see where I was going," Izuku stuttered.

He didn't look at the female as a fear of her just looking disgusted at him. He slowly turned his head towards her but only for the woman to grin at him. He got a closer look at her as she had short yellow hair that had two long strands of hair going down. She had piercing yellow eyes as she looked at Izuku.

Izuku widened his eyes as he shook his head, trying not to look at the woman . The woman was confused but she put on a sly smile.

"Aww~ what's wrong boy can't handle what you see," the woman grinned.

Clearly Izuku knew this woman was teasing him but he didn't falter...yet anyways as he was stiff as a board.

He shook his head, "U-Uh, s-sorry but I'll be on my way now," Izuku quickened as he sped walk past the woman as she looked at the boy as he walked away from her. Her grinned then faltered into a frown as she inspected the boy, wearing unusual clothing for her at least.

"Strange, never seen that kind of clothing before, oh well," she shrugged as she walked the opposite direction of where Izuku was heading.

"Let's use this money for something useful, like food, Akame has been eating all our food lately," she muttered.

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