Chapter 20

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Night Raid's Hero

After Izuku and the others took down the Danger Beast, the village was surprised and shouted in excitement and relief. The walls around the village were taken down and the villagers started to celebrate and made a feast to which everyone joined in.

Izuku was held as the star of the celebration as he not only saved the soldiers but he was the reason that Hisake's platoon suffered no casualties. Soldiers cheered and laughed as they drank. Najenda sat with Susanoo and Chelsea as they both watched the young hero-in-training get flustered by the sudden attention.

Hisake stood up and held his beer up in the air, "Again, to our soldiers that worked hard and to this young man who risked his life for us, to Izuku Midoriya!" Hisake cheered.

His soldiers shouted and cheered, "To Izuku Midoriya!"

Izuku just sat there as he awkwardly laughed and mostly hid himself as he was getting embarrassed with all the attention towards him. The villagers joined in as well as they chanted his name. Izuku tried to reason with them that he didn't do anything special but they kept cheering.

"Poor guy is getting all the attention," Chelsea laughed as she watched Izuku try to speak up and reason with the soldiers.

Najenda sat there as she stared at Izuku, "Well he did save all those soldiers from death," Najenda stated

"But I don't get it what good will it do saving those soldiers, for all we know he could just be adding more problems for the Revolutionary Army," Chelsea warned Najenda.

Najenda sighed, "Let's hope not,"

As she tried to take a cigarette out, Hisake approached her, "What are you three sitting there for, aren't you gonna celebrate with your comrade?" He asked.

Najenda shook his head, "It's his celebration, I'll let him enjoy it,"

Hisake sat down next to her, "Hm, if you say so,"

Hisake watched as Izuku helped a wasted soldier up as he frantically tried to calm the rest of his men down. He smiled as he watched a kid who was potentially an enemy help others without hesitation. Hisake knew that the Empire was shit, but what could he do? There was nothing he could do against the Prime minister and General Esdeath.

But seeing the boy helping his enemies made him realize that there was still hope left. That hope was in the young man, a pure hearted boy who only wants to save people.

"Najenda," Hisake spoke up

"Hm?" She hummed

"I think I'm gonna defect from the Empire," Hisake blurted out.

Najenda froze as she was about to light her cigarette. She looked at Hisake with a serious look only to find the man looking at Izuku, as if he was looking at a shining light in the dark.

"Are you sure Hisake, what about your men?" she asked.

"I'll let them decide, they still have family at home," Hisake looked at her.

"Maybe there is still hope in this world after all," Hisake smiled.

Najenda looked at him then at Izuku as he was treated to a mug of beer but politely declined.

'Yeah, a hope from another world,' she smirked.

With Izuku

"Come on kid, just take a sip," a wasted soldier slurred as he tried to hand Izuku a mug of beer.

Izuku sweatdropped and pushed the mug back to him, "Thanks but I'm good really,"

Izuku looked around as he was surrounded by people laughing and smiling now, when he and the others arrived, these people were depressed and desperate but now it's filled with joy and happiness.

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