Chapter 17

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To Move Forward

Izuku and Tatsumi stood there in the rain, Izuku was absorbing the news. 'Bulat is dead?' The thought kept replaying in Izuku's mind. He couldn't believe it, why? He failed again, he couldn't protect his friends which led to someone dying.

Izuku clenched his fist, he couldn't save him. "Wh...what happened," Izuku solemnly asked. Tatsumi tightened his grip on his left arm, "Bulat fought his old teacher, he injected poison into himself and he had a Teigu that could control water... then he..." Tatsumi didn't want to relive that moment again. Tatsumi stayed silent but fortunately Izuku put the pieces together.

Izuku looked at the sword that Tatsumi had, it was silver and black and in between the hilt and the blade was a red circle that had a black cross in the middle. At the end of the hilt was a small chain connected to the hilt. "Is that..." Izuku spoke up again. Tatsumi looked at the blade, "This was Aniki's Teigu... he gave it to me before he..." Tatsumi started to choke on his words. He was broken, he lost his childhood friends and now his teacher, the one he admired.

Izuku didn't know what to do, this was the first time he lost someone so close to him before. Tatsumi was hurting even more than he was, Izuku was stuck, he didn't know what to do or say. Izuku put his hand on Tatsumi's shoulder, "Let's head back to the base before anyone finds us," Izuku then turned around only to be stopped by Tatsumi. "Wait...before we go back, can we give Aniki a proper burial," Tatsumi desperately looked at Izuku. Izuku nodded, he knew it was dangerous but he didn't like the fact that if the imperial army found it they would do something horrible to Bulat's resting body.

Tatsumi equipped Incursio as Izuku activated 20% Full Cowling. Izuku then started to follow where Tatsumi headed. Tatsumi stopped at a nearby dock, away from eyewitnesses. Izuku saw the resting body of Bulat, he peacefully laid there at the dock with a smile on his face, like he accomplished what he wanted. "I took him off the boat before anyone could spot us," Tatsumi explained.

Izuku kneeled by Bulat's body, Izuku clenched his fists. His tears started to stream down his face, he closed his eyes as he felt a wave of guilt wash over him. 'If only, I could've been there, I could've saved him and Tatsumi, but I...' Izuku started to feel his heart ache. Tatsumi placed his hands on his shoulder, Tatsumi was trying to hold his tears back, "Let's...let's get out of here," Tatsumi choked out. Izuku nodded, he pulled his mask over his face as they both hoisted Bulat over their shoulders.

Tatsumi equipped Incursio as Izuku activated 20% One for All and launched upwards as they jumped building to building. While they were returning to the base, Izuku had a lot of thoughts running through his head. But they weren't analytic, they were more negative thoughts. Izuku started to blame himself, he started to doubt that he had the strength to save everyone, even though he was given this power to save, he questioned himself again, 'Why... why couldn't I save him, am I... really worthy of this power?' Izuku asked himself.

Night Raid Base

Akame was sitting at the training ground watching Leone beating the snot out of Lubbock for peeking, Eri was sleeping on her lap as she cuddled against Akame, she slept peacefully. Mein and Sheele were aweing as Eri's sleeping form was literally bursting their hearts. They occasionally wanted to poke Eri's cheek but Akame swatted their hands away instantly. Akame occasionally stroked Eri's hair as it would comfort Eri even more.

"Ow! Ow! Ow! I'm sorry please have mercy!" Lubbock screamed, but Leone stomped on his back as she pulled his right arm, "Shut up Lubba, there's a sleeping child," Leone mercilessly stomped on him again. To Lubbock's surprise, Eri was still sleeping peacefully during all the ruckus.

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