Chapter 12

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I'll be Your Hero

Izuku laid at his bed, he had so much in his mind. It had been 5 days after the mission, Izuku was conflicted and felt stuck.

'What is it that's bothering me, why do I feel like there's something I need to do,' Izuku thought. He laid there as he stared at the ceiling, remembering the fight against Zank. The words he said to him but also the words that Akame said when she was under his illusion.

Something about those words bothered him. He couldn't figure it out, as he stormed through his thoughts, he felt a hand on his right arm. He looked at the person who was cuddling with his arm and found Eri peacefully sleeping.

When he looked at her he was reminded that he needed to get himself and her back home soon. But not without saving the people of this world, if he could. He felt his eyes start to get heavy, he then drifted into sleep.

While Izuku drifted into sleep, in another room another was awake. She was also going through what happened five days ago. Akame thought about what Izuku said, how Izuku was inspired to save others just like his mentor. But she knew that people who are driven by corruption cannot be saved, the only way to do that is ending their lives but Izuku seems like to find another way.

Akame shook off the thought as she decided to get some sleep. She closed her eyes as she drifted off into her slumber.

The next day Izuku felt someone shaking him as he opened his eyes to see Tatsumi standing over him, "Hey wake up, we got training to do," Tatsumi stated. Izuku rubbed his eyes as got up and gently laid Eri on the bed. "So who's training us today," Izuku asked, "Sheele is training us today,"

Izuku nodded and wondered how training was going to be since Sheele is an airhead. He had an idea but he didn't expect to be swimming in a lake with a full suit of armor.

Tatsumi and Izuku struggled to fully use the motions as the suit of armor was weighing them down. 'This must be to increase our endurance, I can feel my whole body screaming at me,' Izuku thought.

They both swam out of the water as they were heavily breathing and drenched. "Good job you're able to swim with a suit of armor, congratulations to you both," Sheele complimented.

"Uh yeah thanks," Tatsumi replied, "Sorry I'm usually in charge of training the recruits since I'm not useful around the base," Sheele apologized. Izuku then waved his hands, "Hey it's fine, nothing to worry about," Izuku reassured her. Sheele then bowed her head towards them but her glasses dropped.

"Aw! My glasses!" Sheele frantically stated as she tried to find her glasses. 'She's really clumsy,' Tatsumi and Izuku both thought, "So why don't you do chores around the base," Tatsumi asked as Sheele finally found her glasses as put them on.

"Hm, well I tried cooking but I burnt the meat and Akame got really mad at me, I tried sweeping and mopping but I ended up making a huge mess so Bulat had to do it. Then Leone told me to go by salt but instead I bought sugar instead but with a large amount of them, and then I tried to help with laundry but I ended up almost drowning Mein," Sheele explained. Tatsumi and Izuku imagined all the scenarios that Sheele told then.

"Ah, well don't feel too bad about drowning Mein," Tatsumi reassured her, 'Yes!' Tatsumi exclaimed in his mind. Then out of nowhere Izuku smacked him behind his head. "Ow! What was that for!" Tatsumi shouted. "What if Mein hears you," Izuku warned as Tatsumi just waved his hands, "It's not like she's camping out somewhere and pointing her sniper at me," Tatsumi brushed it off.

"But she could," Sheele stated as Tatsumi jumped and shivered. Izuku sweatdropped and sighed. "Oh by the way Sheele," Tatsumi called out, "Hm?" Sheele hummed. "Out of everyone you seem to be normal for the most part," Tatsumi stated, "Well, I'm not really normal," Sheele interjected.

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