Chapter Four

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I try my hardest to keep my pace the same with Annies, but it is difficult when my leg was just popped back into place.

Annie and I follow behind Jean and the rest of them, I don't have my blades, so I have to just maneuver my way around the titans making sure not to be grabbed.

Once I see the headquarters building in distance, I take a breath and cover my face. Annie breaks the glass with her body while I enter close behind most of the glass hits me.

Once I am in I roll to the ground with a thud, I can feel where the glass cuts my skin.

I feel a kick to my back, "get up. You're alright, do not be a baby." Annie tells me I nod and listen to her. Like I always do.

Rubbing the glass out of my arms, I watch as Jean goes to attack some people under the desk.

"You cowards! You left us out there on our own!" He screams at them as Marco holds him back.

"People are dead because you couldn't do your job!" He yells at a girl that comes from underneath the desk; I feel bad for them they're obviously scared we all are.

"Don't yell at them, they're scared just like the rest of us."

I tell him calmly, but he just begins to yell at me.

"Shut your mouth! No one asked you, just because you're ready to die doesn't mean everyone else is!"

And I do as he says, closing my mouth and placing my eyes back on the ground.

No one else says a word because then the walls are breached, two large titans sticking their faces through the new hole placed in the wall.

Everyone goes screaming, many people running over me causing me to just stay there. I finally get up when someone grabs me from the shoulders.


"Learn how to keep your mouth shut." She tells me, yanking on my hair once again. I simply tell her yes, as Reiner and Bertholdt come behind us.

My eyes go wide as I watch a titan's fist come into contact with the other titan. More window glass is broken as Connie, Mikasa, and Armin come through I cover my head again to protect myself from the shards.

My eyes stay on the titan, I can hear as Connie explains what is happening. But he says the titan is abnormal.

And I already know that isn't an abnormal titan, my stomach turns as I know what it truly is.

I go off to a corner to lay once all has quieted down, I silently watch everyone. My eyes linger on a certain blonde-haired boy, Armin.

I watch as he explains what they can do with the guns, how his hands move, how he talks, and the way his eyes look all such pretty traits of him.

My eyes break from him when he pulls his head up, I just know he saw me staring. Feeling my face heating up, I try to hide it by keeping my head down on the ground but all that fails when I feel someone behind me.

"Did you listen to what I said?" It's Armin and he is behind me; I nod my head slowly keeping my eyes to the ground.

"Yes. But I rather stay here, I wouldn't want to get in the way." I tell him finally bringing my eyes up to him, the second our eyes meet I can see his face going red.

"Well, I can't let you stay. I'm sorry, but we need eight people to hit the titan's nape. I've seen your skills, you're amazing."

He keeps bothering me for a while about it, I eventually give in telling him yes.

'I need to learn how to speak for myself'

I stand up, but quickly sit back down as the pain in my stomach is too much to bear. Armin notices and turns around to look at me, "are you alright?" He asks me I nod silently not trusting my voice.

I've been through worse, why am I such a baby?

But Armin doesn't take that for an answer, and he looks down at me his hands wrapping around my torso area. I gasp quickly pushing him away from me and turning my back from him.

"Do not touch me."

"I'm sorry, it's just you're bleeding quite a lot. And I wanted to help."

Wanted to help? Who does he think I am? Because only people who are weak need help, I don't need help from anybody but myself. Not Armin, Annie, Reiner, or Bertholdt.

"I don't need help, so leave me alone. Please." I tell him, my voice so quiet he must lean down to hear me.

"I have bandages, I promise I can wrap them. And that's it I won't bother you anymore."

I look up towards him, slowly dropping my hands from the wound. He smiles, placing his hands on top of it slowly not to catch me off guard again.

He removes one hand and reaches within a pocket he has on his jacket and pulls out one roll with white bandages wrapped around it. "I must lift your shirt now." He tells me quietly; I don't say anything as he continues on with it.

He pulls it up slowly, only to be met with a purple and blue bruised stomach. With a small yet pretty deep gash.

Since most of the blood around it is dry blood, it isn't too hard to wrap it up. Each time his hands move around me, around my body to wrap it I feel funny.

"I'm sorry."

I break the silence by whispering that to him.

"Huh?" He says back, his eyes not leaving my wound.

"I pushed you to the ground, during training."

"I'm okay, it did hurt though I won't lie." He smiles at me, his smile giving me warmth. I can't help but smile back at him.

"Okay, it's wrapped. If you ever need any help, just ask me. It's never bad to ask for help, it can be seen as weak. But I don't think you're weak, I get lots of help. So, if anyone's weak it should be me."

I don't think Armin's weak, but I would never tell him that. I shouldn't have even let him help me, I work better alone.

Little did Adelita know that this was the start of something beautiful.



I honestly hate summer it just reminds me of how lonely I am. But yk who won't be lonely for long... Adelita!

-lei <3

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