Chapter Nine

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It is late at night, it's been about a week since Eren closed the hole, since Marco died. I still feel guilty for it, and I have been trying to push myself further away from Annie, Reiner, and Bertholdt but they're always there I can't stand it.

Annie is going to kill, squad leader Hange Zoe's titan experiments. I feel sick knowing who is going to do it and not confessing I hate this. I hate not being able to do what I want to do.

Right now, I stand in front of the growing fire watching as the people I once knew are burning to ashes.

It hurts knowing Marco is in there.

I stand to the side alone, tears welling in my eyes I watch as Connie has tears streaming down his face. Causing me to start laughing out loud, I bend over clutching my stomach because I am laughing so hard.

Everyone's head turns towards me their faces turn up in disgust because how could I be laughing at a moment like this. "Walls! Annie get your sister, I think she has gone fully insane."

Someone shouts pointing at me, but I don't stop, and I continue to laugh before I fall to my knees and cover my face with my hands now letting out ugly sobs.

"Is she okay?" Krista asks stepping back from where I was previously standing. "Leave her alone, can't you all see she is grieving."

Jean shouts to everyone who is staring at me, "we all grieve in different ways. This is how she grieves."

Armin chimes in, coming by my side and patting my back. He places his hand out towards me signaling for me to grab him, slowly I do he pulls me from the ground. Walking away with me further into the night sky.

"Are you okay?" He asks me once we get further away, I don't answer him and continue crying."I'm sorry, that was stupid to ask. It is obvious you aren't. But I am always here if you need someone."

He explains calmly, letting go of my hand and bringing it up to my hair I flinch at this. "Sorry, I forgot no touch."

"It's alright," I whisper when I finally finish sobbing loudly into my hands. "Huh?" He asks confused as to what I am saying.

"You can touch it."

After a while of silence, he places a piece of my hair behind my ear, combing through the knots in my long dark hair with his fingers. "You were right, some people do need someone. Marco showed me that, I didn't know him for long but... he showed me that it is okay to be weak he even showed me kindness in the last moment of his life."

I whisper out, holding onto Armin's other hand.

A bitter laugh left my lips, "you're too nice Armin. Even to me and all I have done was be a bitch to you and follow my sister's orders. But I'm done doing that, I am my own person."

Armin watches me quietly, waiting for me to finish speaking.

"I will join the scout regiment. And be your friend." Because truly all I do want is someone who will be there for me, Annie isn't someone who has been there for me she is the person who will always put me down. And I will not stand for that anymore, because fuck her and Marley and anyone who won't let me do what I want.

Armin's eyes go wide, and his hand stops midway in my hair. "Adelita... as your friend, because I am one, I will support your decision. Because I am too joining the scout regiment."

I smile a little, seeing as finally, I made my own choice. I refuse to just join the military police with Annie, I will be my own person.

"Why are you joining the scouts, Armin?"

"Because I want to see the world outside the walls. It is my dream, have you ever heard of the ocean Adelita?"

I nod my head slowly; I know the ocean is real. But I've never seen it, even though I came from somewhere with an ocean. I was too busy training that I never had time to play.

"And because of freedom, it's all Eren could want in the world but me too. I want to be able to be free, not like I am confined to one place my whole life."

That is exactly how I feel, I refuse to be able to be told what to do my whole life. I want to have freedom.

"We should see the ocean together," Armin tells me, when his eyes meet mine, I can practically see stars in them.

"Okay. Just promise me you won't die before we see it."

"I promise, and you can't die either."

"I promise," I smile looking at him.

"See, Adelita it will all be better because you'll have people to be together with. Not just me, and you'll soon realize how amazing it is."

I nod, but the thing is I already feel amazing about just being together with Armin right now. But I don't think I'll ever admit that.


And then that leads us to where we are right now, I stand in the middle of Armin and Annie we are here to figure out who killed the titans.

I know who it was.

We stand quietly as they come one by one trying to figure out who's gear matches who killed them.

I've been hanging out a lot more with Armin, well more like he follows me as I do things, but I don't mind. I am trying to figure out how to have friends since I never really had them. "Can you believe it? Jean is joining the scout regiment."

Connie tells Armin, and his eyes go wide. "I thought he wanted the military police."

"People can change their minds, Armin."

I enter their conversation; I can see as Armin nods his head. "Yes, I know. I mean didn't you."

"Huh? What does that mean?" Connie asks, I sigh realizing Armin just let it out the bag. "She is also joining the scouts."

Annie and Connie's eyes go wide. "Huh?!" They both say in unison.

"Nonsense, you are joining the military police," Annie tells me turning over to look at me, I shake my head. "No, I'm not it is my choice after all."

"Death, that is a death wish!"

I shrug my shoulders, "what does it matter. We're all dying one day but before I die, I want to be able to do what I want."

"That is not what we came for... tell me something if someone ordered you to die would you do it?"

"No, of course not," Connie answers, and I roll my eyes. "Then my advice is to do what is best for you," Annie replies I huff and cross my arms over my chest, she sure is one to talk about following what you want. What a liar.

"Well, I don't care. I'm joining it and no one can stop me, not even you Annie."

"What about you, Armin?"

"He plans to join the scouts too. He isn't afraid and he is allowed to make the choices he wants." I tell Annie, and she nods. "Thank you, Adelita. But I was talking to Armin."

"Come on, not you too Armin." Connie pleads with him, "I am impressed for a mouse you got guts."

"Thanks, I guess... you know I am beginning to think you care a lot more than you let on," Armin tells her with a smile, I feel like my eyes might just roll out of my head when can this be over.

"It's just the way you're trying to discourage us from the scouts, you're looking out for us."

I wish Armin could just shut up, him talking with Annie like this makes me sick.

"Is that why you're joining the MP's bet you can do some good there, Huh?"

"No... I just want my sister and me to live. The only person I shall look out for is me and my sister no one else."



Adelita finally starting to cut herself from Annie!!! We love to see it.

-lei <3

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