Chapter Thirty-Seven

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After we had followed Mikasa's orders and tied up all of the men she ordered us to leave the building, now we stand on some houses a little away from where we originally were.

I sit on the roof beside Armin, I won't stare at him embarrassed from what I had called him earlier.

It was in heat of the moment; I don't think Armin even looks at me that way I mean we kissed but what if it was a mistake?

What if him seeing me nearly take those men lives scared him?

Does Armin hate me?

"Adelita." A voice says to me softly, I turn back to see Armin since he was next to me.

He goes to lay a hand on my shoulder but before he can do so Sasha's loud shouting stops him. "I hear shooting! From there! I heard close to a dozen shots!"

She points off to the side while Armin backs away from me, Connie shakes his head thinking Sasha's hearing things as none of us heard it.

"Do you think they ran into trouble?" Jean asks quietly, Mikasa nods her head.

"It seems likely. The captain gave me a message. As of now, it's not just Titans. We're fighting humans, too."

We all turn back to Mikasa dumbstruck at the message the captain told her to relay, "huh? You don't mean-."

Jean can't finish what he's going to say as Mikasa has swung away from us, everyone just watches as she grows further from us.

I hold onto my gear looking to them, "come on we can't just stand here."

I follow the path Mikasa took as everyone also does, it's not too long until we've all caught up with her.

The wind blows harshly through my hair as the remaining blood on my face begins to dry, at least it's not mines this time.

"Look! There they are!" Connie points out looking to the wagon below us, and there lays both an unconscious Historia and Eren.

Just as the wagon is beginning to be pulled Captain Levi appears, he is using his gear as if he wasn't recently hurt.

He is fast and effortless, just like Mikasa.

We all watch as a man appears behind Captain Levi, pulling out something that looks to be a gun but also a flare.

"What the hell is that?!" Jean exclaims, saying what we are all thinking.

Just as the man pulls the trigger Captain Levi dodges it, piercing the man with his gear blood splatters everywhere as the man falls to the ground. Captain Levi's face doesn't wear a single emotion on his face.

Soon he sees all of us, he commands all of us to follow the wagon.

He swings higher so he can reach us and begins to tell us about the information on whoever these people are.

"They've already taken out three of ours. If you hesitate for so much as a second, you'll be dead. The moment you see an opening go for the kill."

Mikasa already has her mind made up she doesn't need Captain Levi's reminder.

He doesn't waste a minute jumping down and hooking his gear into one of the men, causing him to go flying off the wagon.

"Armin! Secure the wagon with Jean! We'll keep you two covered!"

I turn my head bringing my eye to Armin's he looks nervous; he doesn't look at me though only following the orders he was given.

Both Armin and Jean jump into the wagon, and the woman controlling it turns back to shoot them. Just like the captain said we'll keep them covered.

I won't dare let her pull the trigger, not on either of them.

I drop down towards to woman bringing my foot up to swipe her right in the face, she falls back into the wagon blood quickly leaking from her nose.

But instead of me taking the kill I let Jean have it, but he hesitates both Mikasa and I watch from above.

The woman quickly gains the upper hand once again, "Jean!" Mikasa yells out seeing she has disarmed him but neither of us have time to go and save him.

Because a loud gunshot runs through all of our ears, blood rains through the air as a lifeless body falls off the wagon rolling down the pavement.

My eye widens as the person who pulled the trigger was Armin.

He didn't hesitate.

But I don't have any more time to gawk at how brave Armin is, he did something Jean froze to do.

I mean I've never hesitated to kill someone but that was because of who I am, who I was born to be.

Armin has a chance, but he may think it is ruined now because of a single trigger he pulled. As I come back to it, I see three more people trying to gain control of the wagon.

"Shit! Jean, Armin!" The captain shouts as he dives down to grab Jean, I don't waste any time swinging down grabbing Armin right off of his seat.

The wagon gets shot at as soon as Jean and Armin were removed out of it, but none of us was fast enough to grab Historia or Eren.

All three of the people jump into the wagon, and one of the men shoots off his gun Mikasa is close behind him but as it comes, she dodges it yelling out in frustration as she hits the floor.

I lose my grip on Armin from him moving causing me to let go both of us falling to the ground, he then begins to gag I go to reach for him, but he only pushes me away.

"Let 'em go. We're running low on fumes." I hear as Captain Levi most likely is ordering Mikasa, but I'm not listening to them I can only think about how Armin has run from me.

I soon push myself up from the floor running to where Armin has run, "Armin!" I yell out looking around for him. I soon find him pushed to the side of a wall some tears running from his face.

As soon as I go to yell his name someone else's name fills the air.

"Eren!" I hear Mikasa scream, screaming his name soon turns into just plain screaming. As soon as everything goes quiet, Armin turns his head back to me, and he begins to vomit.

I walk closer to him placing my hand softly on his back trying to comfort him any way I can, he allows me to place my hand on his back, so I slowly slide my other hand into his.

He eases into the touch as he continues to vomit more violently, "how can you do this?" Armin asks quietly as he begins to cough the vomiting stops.

"I feel like a monster... but you're not one, so how can you do this and still be so good?" Armin asks as he begins to cry, my eye softens as I realize he never saw me as something bad.

He never did, even though I killed some of Levi's squad, lied, and almost killed a man who was groping him out of rage.

He has always seen the good in me.

"No, Armin that's not true. If anything, I should be disgusted I've hurt and killed people. You did it to save Jean, to me you've done nothing wrong. If I'm really honest Armin, I would still really like you, like marry like you if you've killed people. I don't care."

He squeezes my hand lightly as he then starts vomiting again, faint footsteps behind me cause me to turn around only to see Mikasa.

She doesn't say anything as she silently rubs Armin's back, and I stand there holding his hand.

"You'll always be a good person for me, Armin," I tell him quietly as he cries again, Mikasa and I both comfort him as his crying fills the air.



Thank you all so much for 1k reads!!!

- lei <3

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