Chapter Six

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"Do you think they'll hurt him?" I ask softly playing with the water canteen I was given.

"Who cares what they do to him, he is one of them." Jean answers back to me, I scrunch my face up. "But he didn't try to hurt us he tried to help."

"He is a titan, Adelita what is there not to understand."

I place my head down, "well they shouldn't hurt Mikasa and Armin. They're only trying to protect their friend."

"Shut up and drink the water. What they do to them isn't our concern."

I listen to Annie and drink it. Silently hoping Armin will be alright, and Mikasa too.

I jump and tip some of the water onto me as a loud eruption is heard going off, everyone turns their back towards it seeing lots of smoke. It was a cannon, and it was in the direction where Mikasa, Armin, and Eren last were.

"Cannon smoke?! Inside the walls!" I can hear people start to scream and yell, "this is the sturdiest part of the wall! How could they be in here?!"

Reiner watches from a distance before he swings away from here, and to the direction of the smoke. "Reiner!" Jean yells following him, causing Annie and me to also follow Bertholdt not too far behind.

We land on a roof; Reiner makes his face up and starts talking. "What is that?" Reiner is annoying me so badly; I cannot stand him. I roll my eyes taking a seat on the roof.

We watch the titan slowly start to decay, and the smoke around it grows greater. A loud clang is heard, and then Armin steps out of the smoke. My eyes go wide as I watch him.

"Halt! You've finally revealed your true form, the monster I'll do it! I'll give the signal to fire!"

"Eren is not an enemy of humanity! We're willing to cooperate with military command and share everything we know about his powers!"

Armin tries to plead with the man, doing all of this for the safety of Eren.

This is what he meant when he said you don't always have to be alone. Eren has them and will never have to feel alone because Armin and Mikasa are always there to help.

They continue to argue, going back and forth Armin is spitting informational facts at him. But he just won't listen.

The man is done talking, and he raises his swords everyone soon following in pursuit. My eyes widen, why can't he just listen?

Armin looks back in worry to Mikasa and Eren, they nod their heads back at him. And then he places his fist by his heart now yelling out.

"I am a soldier! And I have dedicated my heart to the restoration of humanity sir! Nothing can make me prouder, than dying for such a noble cause! If we were to use his titan ability and combine it with the manpower we have left, I believe we can do it! We can retake this city! For humanity's glory, in what little time I have left to live, I will continue to advocate his strategic value!"

And with that Armin's speech is done, basically, everyone is silent no one is talking. It's just everyone just looking at each other.

But the captain is having none of it, he raises his arm and is about to signal to set the cannon ablaze. But his hand never comes down, someone stops him.

"That's enough, you should really do something about your nervous dissipation captain Woermann."

"Commander Pyxis?!"

"Can you not see this soldier's heartfelt salute? I've only just arrived, but I'm quite aware of our situation. Gather our reinforcements, we can at least do the favor of hearing these young soldiers out."

Armin drops to the floor, smiling and breathing heavily. Happy that he was able to save Eren, I frown seeing that.

That I don't have someone who is willing to die while keeping me safe. Maybe Annie, Reiner, and Bertholdt. But they don't actually care, that is because they're obligated. No one forced Armin to risk his life for Eren, and that is what's upsetting me.

Why can't I get that?



Poor Adelita is sad bc she has none of that love, well she thinks she doesn't but she soon will.

-lei <3

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