Chapter Thirty-Two

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The more I hold onto Armin the looser my hold on him gets I try to hold onto him as hard as I can, but I simply don't have the strength.

"Jean!" He yells causing my eye to open as I try to raise my head, I am caught with the sight of Jean getting hit in the face with a Titan Reiner threw.

His horse gets thrown to the side while he slams to the floor with blood gushing from his nose.

As Armin sees that he pulls back on his horse causing me to finally let go of his waist, I fall backwards and hit the ground tumbling a few feet away from where Armin is.

As my head hits the ground I feel as my breath hitches and my whole body tingles, "no!" I hear Armin shout out and quickly I feel hands wrap around my arm and my body begins to move.

I let my eye open as I groan out and I see Armin above me pulling me he looks down at my face with sweat beading off his head.

"You'll be okay, Jean too!" He says more to himself than me, he then drops my arm as he bends down to sit on the ground grabbing Jean and placing his head onto his lap.

He examines Jean and sees he's not waking up that is when I begin to close my eye.

"My head hurts, Armin." I mutter out as I place a hand on my forehead, "stay awake!" He yells loudly I groan and open my eye trying to push him from me, but he just grabs me and lays my body on his.

"Just keep talking to me." He says as he looks down into my eye I smile while looking into his beautiful blue ones, "okay." I tell him quietly.

"Can I touch your hair?" He nods and places my hand on his head, I giggle as I begin to hold onto it not too hard though.

"It's soft." I look back into his eyes as I hold onto his hair, "If I had hair like Annie, would you like me better?"

His eyes widen as he is taken back by my question, "What? I like your hair it's so long and different. Annie's hair isn't different, yours isn't something I see every day."

I notice as his face begins to redden as he avoids eye contact with me, "but it's Annie. She beats me in everything, as a sister... I love her I think, but as a person, I'm jealous of her. I wish I was her, she's strong and can say no and maybe... you would like me more."

"No! That's not true, you're as strong as Mikasa! And you're learning how to be yourself. And I definitely like you more than Annie, I like you a lot! The friendship we share will be something Annie and I could never have."

He lays a hand on my hair as he softly touches me, I give him a soft smile as my vision begins to blur.

"You're a really good friend, Armin."

But it doesn't feel right saying that I want Armin to be my friend.

He is my friend, but why do I feel so weird saying it?

As I look around my surroundings my vision continues to go in and out, things are starting to blur badly. "Armin, I can't really see."

"You can't close your eye! Keep it open, tell me something you see! Keep talking!" He demands me very quickly I nod and look ahead of me; I see something coming towards us it's pale and big I rub the blood off my forehead as I keep staring at it.

"I see a Titan," I tell him quietly while pointing to it, his eyes widen as he stares at it.

He yelps and grabs his sword as he pulls Jean and me closer to him, I listen to him as I try to keep my eyes open watching as he desperately tries to protect himself and us.

A yell is heard and with that all of a sudden, the Titans that are approaching us disappear suddenly losing interest in us.

Armin gasps as he places his sword down. I quickly put two and two together even if I am coming in and out of it.

Eren did it.

I look at Armin tugging on his sleeve gently, he looks down at me."It's Eren, you have to find him."



Nana is on hulu now, all of you should watch it right now.


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