Chapter Seventy

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"Annie! Look at that bug. What type do you think it is?!"

Annie walks to me as I wait with anticipation for her to see the bug. But as soon as my happiness came it was washed away because of Annie.

She stomped the bug.


I yell her name as I bend down to take her shoe off the bug.

She doesn't budge only lifting her foot to kick me in the head. I fall back holding onto my head as I look up to her with tears.

"You're so mean! How could kill something so innocent?!"

Both our heads turn to the front door as we hear it opening. Annie and I both fix ourselves as I try to wipe my tears away.

"Father." Both of us say in unison.

He doesn't pay one mind to our greeting only to my face.

"Why are you always crying?" He speaks, I don't say anything placing my head down as he sucks his teeth.

"I get two daughters. Both are disappointments, I mean at least you try Annie."

"Thank you, Father," Annie utters quietly.

"Come on. We're going to meet someone."

Dad doesn't speak another word as he begins walking. Annie follows right behind him as I rush to get up to not get left behind.

Dad won't slow down for us so we must be able to keep up, if he does slow down or if we get lost he'll be upset. It's happened before, I got distracted by a bird and ran away from Annie and Dad.

Neither was too happy, to say the least.

"Where are we going," I ask, curious as to where Dad is taking us so late.

"I'm going to introduce you both to a friend of mine. Don't embarrass me."

We come to a stop but I don't realize, causing me to bump into Annie she pushes me off of her while rolling her eyes.

"Sorry," I whisper as she ignores it.

We've come to another stopping point because we're about to cross the street, and it's pretty busy so we must wait for the street to die down.

As soon as it comes to a stop Dad walks off. I rush to follow him only to be stopped, I look back to see Annie holding my hand.

"You're too stupid to cross it alone."

I ignore what she said and instead thank her as we cross. "Thank you for helping me, Annie."

She stays silent. But I don't mind because we finished crossing the street, but Annie hasn't let go yet.

Annie continues to hold my hand.

It doesn't last for long though because as we started to approach a house she lets go.

It's secluded with numerous trees around it. The house itself is a normal size, it looks like a one-floor, one-bedroom house. But it's a cute house.

I like the house.

Both Annie and I stand behind our father as he knocks on the door, we're not waiting for too long when a man opens the door.

His eyes are a dark brown, matching mine. But his hair it's lighter than mine, as light as the brown of a tree bark.

He looks younger than Dad. He looks like he could be in his twenties, how does Dad know someone so young? That's at least twenty years younger than him.

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