Chapter Fourteen

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As Annie and I make our way through the forest we spot Levi's squad, and Eren is right there. Annie is a little further than me which causes someone to see her at first, they think nothing but soon they realize who Annie is.

His eyes go wide, and he tries to scream out but it's too late I have already flown over to him and sliced his wires he falls straight down slamming into tree blood splattering from his face, I stop dead in my tracks and stare at him feeling remorse because I just killed an innocent soul.

I let it go and continue to follow Annie through the trees my hood securely down and over my face, covering the majority of my hair too it would be a shame if some of it got out and they all saw my hair.

I watch as Levi's squad screams vulgar words to me and Annie, saying we'll pay but Annie had already disappeared behind the trees leaving me standing in front of them. The redhead is screaming in my face, but they don't know what is about to happen or what is about to hit them.

And just like that a big bold flash of yellow comes out from the trees, it is loud and bright coming from almost every direction scaring everyone who didn't expect it, but I did.

Soon she is fully formed and heading their way I stand above in a tree and watch, watching as Annie chases them down as Eren screams at her but I know she doesn't care.

They all go at Annie and start attacking her and I got to admit they are doing well; they all successfully take out her eyes, but I just shake my head I know Annie isn't going down without a fight. And I know Annie isn't going to be the one losing.

I watch in amusement as they think they have a shot at defeating her, definitely not in her titan form.

Just as they go in for her nape, they get too cocky, allowing her to bite down on one of them. I wince at the horrifying sight of blood spewing out of the man's body like someone pouring a drink.

They all watch in horror as she drops the lower half of his body, and then spits out the rest. Now her focus is on the red-headed girl and again I start to feel that feeling in my stomach the one I just cannot shake. Annie gains on her and then just steps on her like she is no bigger than an ant.

Her screams fill my ears, I can't help but feel disgusted at Annie I wonder how she feels but then again, it's Annie it isn't like she can feel anything.

The last man standing tries to avenge the rest of his people, but it doesn't go so well when Annie then stomps him into the ground Eren is now right above her watching in horror. But his face quickly turns to anger, and he screams out before biting his hands, my mouth opens in amazement oh shit it's on now between him and Annie.

All I can do is watch I've played my part.

The more yellow light comes through and there is Eren's titan, it's screaming as it forms fully showing the rage Eren was wearing on his face.

I throw the cape off of me now seeing as I don't need it anymore and now, I engage in watching this fight between Annie and Eren.

Eren has the upper hand right now but that is also because, Annie only has one eye, and her arms are dislocated from her shoulders.

I watch in boredom seeing nothing, but two huge naked humans throw themselves around I want to leave, but I can't just leave Annie. 

I must wait until she is done with this, or at least until someone spots me out and I have to leave.

My thoughts soon come to an end as I watch deeply what Annie did to Eren, she kicked him and a tree the tree breaking in half while Eren's head disconnects from his neck.

Again, there is no emotion shown on my face, but this is shocking and disgusting.

She soon comes closer to Eren grabbing his body and yanking his nape straight off of what is left of his neck. A new voice enters and it's Mikasa she is screaming for Eren but stops when Annie takes him from his titan.

Eren now disappearing into her mouth I watch as Annie runs away with him, Mikasa not far behind them.

I shake my head before swinging in the opposite direction, none of my business that is it is time for me to re-join where I was supposed to be.

With Armin.



Petra's death was sad and when her dad was talking to Levi, i was like oh that's sad. but oh well Annie killed her let's keep going shall we.

-lei <3

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