Chapter Seventy-Two

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TW - Mentions of Sexual Assault

It's been going on for three months, and every day I spend at his house is hell I can't take it.

He makes me promise to tell no one after we're done, and I've lived up to it I've spoken a word not to anyone.

Not my father, my sister, or the people I call my friends.

I'm scared.

Mr.Wagner ignites a fear in me that I never knew existed, I cared so much for him and truly felt like he should've been my father because he loved me so much.

But all my admiration turned into fear.

Every compassionate thing I've ever felt for him burned away faster than fire to paper.

"What's wrong with your back?" Annie questions as she catches a glimpse of my body as we change into our house clothes.

Quickly shoving the shirt down faster on me, I dismiss her question.

"It's because she's dirty! Hasn't showered in a week!" Father yells from the door of mine and Annie's shared room.

It's true. I haven't showered since I got back from my last training session.

Since I've gotten back from Mr.Wagner.

Father then disappears into the dining room, as it's dinner time.

I go to follow him but I'm stopped by a hand wrapping around mine, I jump from the sudden contact but calm down realizing It's only Annie.

"Seriously. What's on your back?" She then removes her hand from mine and lifts my shirt in the front. "It's on your stomach too."

She moves her hand to touch it but I don't let her. Slapping her hand away while rushing out of our room and to the table.

Taking a seat, I place my eyes down to my plate.

I can feel the stares.

But no one says anything, the normal silence that occurs when we eat is still there.

"Adelita, you're showering tonight."

I shake at the thought of the bathroom and immediately disapprove of his statement, tears already flooding into my eyes faster than a faucet can fill up a bathtub.

Father lets out a sour chuckle at my face. "Don't tell me you're crying. It's a fucking shower, Adelita!"

Annie then blurts something out.

"But you shower at Mr.Wagner's so what's wrong with this?"

Hearing the mention of his name causes me to freeze, my mouth dries as I don't do anything only feeling more tears running down my face.

"That's it! You're getting in that fucking bath!" Father yells as he stands up, his chair falling from the pace of him standing up so quickly.

Immediately I move. I try to run away but it's no use, Father is faster and more active than me, he catches me instantly.

Grabbing me by my arm he yanks me to the bathroom, I scream and kick the entire way.

"What's wrong with you?! You only shower at that man's house, you got a damn crush on him? You let him bathe you?!"

Hearing Dad's thought makes me scream, my voice so loud you would think someone is murdering me.

But none of it works and eventually, Father succeeds in throwing me into the bathroom.

"You're going to bathe, and you're not coming out until you fucking do it."

And with that, he slams the door in my face, my worst fears come true when I hear the noise of the lock.

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