0.1 | the damsel in distress

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Shock. The only thing that could describe my emotions in that moment.

I turned my gaze from the large stack of papers. The contract that would change my life forever. My green eyes stared up at my equally shocked friend.

"Well, aren't you going to read it?" She asked in an ushering manner.

"I still can't process that my application was accepted," I admitted.

Lilith, my best friend of three years, slumped into the empty chair across from me. She pushed the contract closer to me and motioned me to read it with a single movement of her eyes.

I sighed in defeat and picked up the packet. My eyes skimmed over every page, every detail.

"One match can set off an explosion?" I asked myself as I reached the end of the contract. "What the hell is that supposed to mean?"

Lilith's eyebrows furrowed together as her lips wrinkled into a confused frown.

"Let me see that," she said before taking the contract from me.

I watched as her brown eyes moved from left to right. She seemed deep in thought.

"Maybe I should just sign it?" I mused.

I extended my hand for the contract but Lilith shook her head. Her eyes widened and I could tell her excitement over this opportunity was long gone.

"There are too many clauses and terminal liabilities," she stated as she tapped her chin.

My eyebrows scrunched together in confusion. She was speaking her lawyer language.

Lilith had been studying at law school, but she had too dropped out after it became too expensive for her. The same happened to me, but I was fortunate enough to get my associates in Business.

"What other choice do I have?" I argued.

The brunette finally set the stack of papers down and looked at me with a mischievous grin.

"You can always become a surrogate," she mused.

"I am not planning on going through nine months of agony and pain for a child I won't even get to keep," I counter and this caused her to chuckle.

"Hmm," Lilith tapped her chin in a thoughtful manner. "You can sell your eggs? I bet you, you could get a pretty good price for them."

I give her an unamused glare.

"Can you think of something that doesn't involve selling my body in any way?" I sassed. I noticed her tiny smirk returning and I spoke up before she could. "And don't say selling drugs."

"You are very difficult to please," Lilith wriggled her nose in disapproval.

"I just think this is my best option," I defended.

"You shouldn't do it Em," Lilith warned but I ignored her.

"This is the only way I can pay of my debt," I argued.

We both looked down at the contract in silence. It only lasted a few seconds before Ben, the hotel manager barged into the room.

"These rooms aren't going to clean themselves," he said in sassy tone. "Chop, chop ladies."

"We are going," Lilith sighed begrudgingly.

We both stood up from the table, flattening out the wrinkles on our light blue uniforms.

After getting his hourly dose of coffee, Ben walked out of the room first and Lilith followed after him. I grabbed the contract and was about to slide it into my purse before placing it back on the table.

"Fuck it," I sighed as I pulled out the pen from my messy bun and scribbled my signature on all the lines marked with an 'X'.

I straightened out the papers and placed them back into the yellow manila folder. I would make sure to drop them off at Magma Studios after work.

Author's Note Hello my lovelies! Here it is, finally after nearly four years

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Author's Note
Hello my lovelies! Here it is, finally after nearly four years. Matches is going to be somewhat of a new format of writing I am trying out. I am going to post chapters almost like episodes. So, I will be updating thrice a week. This is just one part if the prologue, the first official chapter will premiere May 21st, 2022. Also, this book will contain a lot of mature content so viewer discretion is advised. Thank you so much for giving this book a try. I'll see you May 21st with the first chapter.
Adios my lovelies!

P.S. - I did not include Lilith in the cast section because she will not appear again until later on in the story, but this is how I imagined she would look like. Played by the beautiful Alisha Wainwright!

 Played by the beautiful Alisha Wainwright!

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