1.1 | love paradise

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The warm ocean breeze fanned my face as I sat down at the back of the matte black jet boat. The camera man and driver where seated in front of me.

"There it is," the driver of the boat, Sam, said as he pointed at the heart-shaped island.

It looked like paradise. The ideal getaway.

I smiled as excitement rose in me, but the feeling did not last long. At the back of my mind I had the reminder of reality and the reasons I was here.

"It looks nice," I replied with a half-smile.

A loud rumble echoed through the skies. I squinted my eyes and aligned by hand with my eyebrows to block the bright sun-rays.

A large, bright red helicopter hovered over us. Behind it where two other helicopters. It was only then that I noticed the other jet boats that trailed a couple of feet behind us.

"It is the other contestants," Raj, the cameraman informed while panning the large camera toward the helicopters.

I could feel the nerves increasing as we neared the island's dock. Two large beach houses were lined up next to one another. The palm trees swayed with the light breeze.

Sam parked the jet boat close to the wooden dock. Raj stepped out first and helped me out.

"Thanks," I said as I adjusted my floral print sarong.

"And here we have our first contestant," a tall, curvy redhead walk toward us with another cameraman following her. It was Sarah Paramus, the host. "Welcome to Love Paradise, the home for Matches. How does it feel finally being here?"

I looked at the camera nervous as I fiddled with the jewelry I was adorned with.

"It feels surreal," I replied. "This place is much bigger than I imagined."

"The inside of the huts are even grander," Sarah replied with a small giggle.

"Woohoo! Love paradise here I am!"

The two of us turned to the loud female voice.

One of the female contestants was strutting toward us, her hands in the air. She had brown wavy hair with a few blonde highlights. Her olive brown skinned glistened in the sun.

Her name was clipped onto her bikini top with a similar pin as mine. Sasha.

"We have our second contestant," Sarah said to the camera before welcoming the newcomer. "I see you are ecstatic."

"I have been dreaming of this moment for the longest time Sarah," Sasha giggled.

"Well, as the first two arrivals you have the chance to explore Love Paradise and have first pick at any of the rooms in the available lovers huts." Sarah explained.

"Eek, this is so exciting," Sasha did a little jump and I could not tell whether she was truly that excited or over dramatizing her entrance.

Nonetheless we both made our way from the dock toward the parameters of Love Paradise.

From what was explained in the contract, the two outer huts or beach houses were the main ones to be used. The hut in the middle was named Cupid's Hideout and could only be used by the couple with the most love-points at the end of each week.

As I looked around I noticed the various hidden cameras. Some were installed into the trunks of the palm trees and the others were placed around the huts.

"They really weren't joking about the twenty-four seven surveillance," I commented as we walked around the island.

"Duh, it's a reality show," Sasha said with an amused snort.

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