04 | all for one and... the one left out

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I walked toward the pool where the rest of the guys were. Aileen looked around curiously as I adjusted the straps to the baby carrier.

"You seriously look like a dad right now," Jordan said as I approached them.

"But like one of those sexy, rich dads," Lawrence added with a teasing smile.

I strutted around the pool and posed a couple of times causing the three guys to laugh even more. Aileen giggled as I made silly faces.

"Yeah, work it!" Jake cheered.

The laughs died down and I followed the guys' gaze. David was making his way toward us with his usual blank expression.

"Does that guy ever smile?" Jordan raised an eyebrow curiously.

"He always has this gloomy aura to him," Jake shuddered at the thought.

"Then you can fuck off and leave," David said in a dull tone. It was clear he had heard Jake.

"You always seem to have a problem!" Jake countered as he stood up with his baby in arms. The young child's lip started to quiver at Jake's thundering tone.

David's lips pressed into a hard line as he stalked toward Jake with a menacing glare.

"I am sorry I do not pretend to act like a goofy idiot just to win the public's appraisal," David retorted.

"Who are you calling an idiot?!" Jake handed the now crying baby to Lawrence and shoved David in a taunting manner.

David retaliated by pushing Jake and in a blink of an eye the two fell to the floor and started to throw punches at one another. Jordan and Jake's babies were crying loudly and Aileen looked shocked.

"Stop it you guys are scaring the children!" I called out trying to calm them, but they only got more violent. I stepped away not trying to put Aileen in harms way.

"What is going on out here?" All the girls rushed out to witness the violent scene.

"Get off him you crazy freak!" Sasha shrieked as she tried to help out Jake, but David only pushed her away and she stumbled onto the grass.

"Yo, what's your problem?!" Lawrence shouted as he handed Jake's baby to Jennifer who was nearby.

He tried to break off the fight but the two men were not giving up. With an annoyed sigh I handed Aileen to Emily and helped Lawrence out.

While I took Jake and pulled him back, Lawrence tried to hold back David with Jordan's help.

The two of them were beaten up badly and had blood dripping from their nose. Jake had a busted lip and swollen eye, he looked the worst.

Sasha angrily stomped toward David and slapped him across the face. David did not even wince from the impact and instead glared at her coldly.

"You are fucking jerk," she spat out before walking over to Jake.

David pushed Jordan off of him and wiped the blood of his nose. Without sparing a single glance at any of us he stormed off.

"What happened?" Emily asked as she approached me with Aileen.

"The guys were talking about David and how tends to be a very gloomy person, David overheard and then things got out of hand," I explained.

"I thought it would be the girls having more drama and look at you guys starting fights," Emily joked aiming to lighten the mood. I smiled at her joke and followed her inside.

"That stupid, dumb, idiotic, selfish jerk!" Sasha was spewing countless cuss words as she cleaned up Jake's wounds.

"I do not get why they would let such a menacing person onto the show," Riya shook her head as she leaned onto Lawrence's chest.

"Jake wasn't even insulting him and David just started to provoke Jake into a fight," Lawrence added.

Ivory stood to the sidelines with a mixed expression of both embarrassment and guilt. She clutched onto her baby tightly.

"They should honestly just kick him off," Jake shook his head as he clutched a bag of frozen peas to his eye.

"What do you think they will do?" Jennifer asked.

"I don't know," Jordan shrugged with a heavy sigh. "But whatever it is, he needs to be punished."

Ivory rushed out of the living room with tears running down her cheeks. Jennifer followed after her and Emily handed Aileen to me.

"I'm going to go check up on her," Emily said before running in the direction Ivory had left.

We all stared at one another realizing that things continued to escalate out of control every passing day. I looked down at Aileen and sighed heavily. This was definitely not what I had signed up for.

Author's NoteHola my lovelies! Happy Thursday! So, this one is a little bit of a short chapter but it had a whole lot of drama

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Author's Note
Hola my lovelies! Happy Thursday! So, this one is a little bit of a short chapter but it had a whole lot of drama. As I said before from here on out things will just begin to escalate. What do you think will be the punishment for the contestants if any? Let me know in the comments. As always, thank you all for reading. I will see you next week with another chapter.
Xoxo, Liz 💋💋💋

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