2.3 | strip that down for me

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I could tell the tension between Emily and I was growing. For the past two hours she had not said a word to me.

Maybe I went to far with what I said?

"Are you ready for this next game?" Jordan asked and I shook my head.

"It is a bit extreme don't you think?" Lawrence butted in.

"We are just going to show a little a bit of skin," Jake shrugged nonchalantly as he sunk into the neon bean bag. "It's not that big of a deal."

"Do you really think the girls are going to be comfortable with this?" Lawrence insisted.

"Do you mean is Riya going to be comfortable with this?" Jake raised an eyebrow.

"We all signed up to do this," David spoke with a cold tone. "It was in the contract and if your girl is not comfortable than she should just leave."

We were all shocked by his harsh tone. Out of the five boys, David was the most received but when he spoke he tended to spit some venom with his words.

"I mean I am not saying the way David said it was right, but he is not wrong," Jake chimed in.

"I just say it how it is," David frowned. He looked at all of us with a mean glare. "If you like it good, if you don't then I don't give two shits."

David walked away leaving all of us stunned.

"He didn't have to be so grouchy about it," Jake mumbled and we all nodded in agreement.

"Alright boys, it is time for the next game," Ivory called out as she stepped into the hut.

We all walked outside and found that production had set up the next game. Five tables were standing side to side on the lawn. Each of them had red cups shaped into a triangle with an orange ball at the center.

"You will pair up with your Match, the last two contestants standing will get a clue for the ultimate challenge," Sasha read the instructions. "You know the rules. Miss the cup, loose a piece of clothing. You are free to bail out at any time, but you will lose the chance at the clue. If your Match bails out you are free to continue the game by yourself. This clue cannot be shared with the rest of the group as it includes a head start for tomorrow's challenge."

"Alright, let's get this game started!" Ivory cheered as we all walked toward the tables.

Emily stood in front of me with a nervous look on her face. I bit my lip not knowing what to say.

"The game starts now," Sasha exclaimed and everyone grabbed the ping pong balls.

Emily went first and made the ball go in on her first try. I raised both eyebrows impressed by her accuracy.

"Nice," I complimented and she grinned proudly.

I meticulously calculated my aim. I was sure that the ball would go straight in the cup I wanted, but instead it bounced off the edge and onto the grass.

"You know what that means," Emily said as her eyes looked down at my t-shirt.

Reluctantly I slipped off the shirt and was left with my upper body bare and exposed.

I could tell Emily was trying her best to avoid gazing at my chest.

"I guess it is my turn," she chuckled nervously as she aimed the ball at the cup closest to her, but missed.

"You know what that means," I smirked repeating her earlier words.

Emily's cheeks turned a bright shade of red as she slipped off her linen shirt, slowly letting it drop onto the floor.

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