5.3 | deepest, darkest secrets

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I swallowed the lump in my throat as we stepped into the quiet hut. It was heavily padded with noise-cancellation cushions. No cameras were visible either.

"It is kind of eerie," Zayn admitted as he closed the door behind us. We set our overnight clothes on the nearby couch.

A large bed was awaiting in the other room, along with a heart-shaped jacuzzi and wine.

Between the dim lighting and rose pedal pathway leading to the bed everything screamed sex. I gulped down my nervous feelings.

"Do you want to take a shower first?" Zayn asked and I slowly nodded.

I picked up my clothes and towel and walked into the bathroom. It was large as well and a flowery scent filled my nose.

"Why did they have to make it so romantic?" I asked myself. I dropped my clothes onto the sink countertop and stripped out of my clothes.

After adjusting the water to my liking, I stepped into the shower and let the warmness soothe my muscles. As I stood there while the water cascading over my body, I could not help but think back to earlier today when I fed Zayn the kimchi.

The look he gave me sent shivers down my spine. It was as if he were a hungry predator and I, the prey.

"Get it together," I scolded myself, but my mind continued to drift to Zayn's hazel-green eyes.

I never had anyone make me feel this way, so hot and bother with one simple glance. He pulled me in like a magnet, making me want more than a kiss. I could only imagine how his kisses would feel on the rest of my bo—No. I pushed away the naughty thoughts that arose.

I turned off the water and quickly dried myself. I changed into my sleepwear and walked back outside where Zayn was struggling to open the wine bottle.

"Come on," he huffed in annoyance. The bottle's cap did not budge.

I chuckled at the sight. "Do you need help?"

"Yeah," Zayn sighed in defeat.

I walked over and helped him open up the wine bottle. After a couple of attempts it finally popped open.

"Voila," I grinned as I showed Zayn I was able to open it. He chuckled lowly as he picked up two glasses.

I helped pour the reddish-purple liquid into the glasses. It scent was strong, but sweet. We walked over to the fireplace and enjoyed the platter of different cheeses set up.

"So, tell me, you have any secrets?" Zayn wiggled his eyebrows teasingly and I laughed at his antics before taking a sip of the bittersweet wine.

He stared at me expectingly with his hazel green eyes and I could not help but get lost in them. I did not know if it was the wine, or the sense of security Zayn radiated, but I let out a long sigh.

"Well, I have a brother," I confessed as I thought about my little Santiago.

"What is he like?"

I found myself smiling. "He's very energetic and independent. He likes to do things his way and preferably by himself."

"Sounds a lot like you," Zayn chuckled.

"We both had to grow up at a young age," I replied as my smile began to fall.

"How so?" Zayn looked at me with absolute attentiveness. I felt like I could talk to him about anything, be an open book for once instead of keeping it all to myself.

"Our parents died in a car accident when I was just fifteen and he was only three," I replied trying my best not to let the waterfalls out.

I turned to Zayn expecting to have a look of sympathy on his face, or to say he was sorry, but instead he looked at me with empathy.

"I lost my mom when I was ten," Zayn said with a small, sad smile. "She fought cancer for three years straight before she finally gave in to the sickness. It was hard and I can't imagine what it would have been like if I had lost both my parents."

I was taken aback by the news. I did not know what to say, so instead I scooted closer to him and placed my head on his shoulder. We were both connected by the deaths of those close to us.

"It was very hard," I admitted. "Especially since shortly after the accident by brother was diagnosed with aplastic anemia. It took a toll on my grandmother, but she fought for us until her dying breathe and ever since then I took care of everything."

"That's why you joined the show?" Zayn asked putting the pieces together and I nodded.

"It was never really about finding love," I confessed. "I just really needed the money, but now I am kinda glad I joined. I couldn't have picked a better partner."

"Me either," Zayn smiled down at me as he gently pushed back my blonde hair and stroked my cheek. "I like Emily, like really like you and I will make sure you win that prize."

I could not deny it anymore. I felt the same way he did, maybe even more so. Since my arrival, Zayn has been patient and gentle. Singing me to sleep each night to avoid nightmares. He had grown to have a space in my heart.

"I like you too," I replied.

He smiled widely, happy with my response. I looked down at his lips, yearning to kiss them again. As if reading my mind, Zayn pulled me closer and closed the gap between us. His lips molded onto mine perfectly.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and deepened the kiss, hungry for more. Zayn did not hold back and laid me back onto the soft carpet. He hovered over me with a breathless smile.

"You're amazing," he whispered before planting a kiss on my forehead.

I traced my fingers along his jaw and looked up at him with a determined look.

"I want you Zayn, all of you," I said shyly. Zayn looked surprised.

"Are you sure?" He asked and I nodded. His lips curved into a mischievous smirk as he got my approval.

He leaned down again and this time kissed me with greater force, as if I were his last meal. I let my hands glide under his shirt and pull it off in one move. He was gorgeous.

Zayn pulled down the straps of my satin shirt and exposed my bare chest. He kissed my jaw, then my neck until he reached the valley between my breasts.

He made his way back up again until we reached my lips and pulled me closer, my naked upper body molding with his.

As we stared into each other's eyes we knew that this was going to a very long night.

As we stared into each other's eyes we knew that this was going to a very long night

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Author's Note
Hola my lovelies! Happy Tuesday! So... Emily and Zayn are finally official! Yayyyyy! But things are just getting started and the tensions between the contestants will continue to rise. I was hoping to have this book finish by the end of my summer break, so now that I have completed the writing for Forbidden Attractions, I will be focusing on this one. For those of you looking for another steamy romance that leaves you at the edge of your seat, go check out my Forbidden Series, book 1 and 2 are out now. I will see you all on Thursday with another update!
Xoxo, Liz 💋💋💋

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