8.1 | as the sun sets

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The beaming sun increased the sweat droplets rubbing down my glossy body. My olive skin was turning darker by the minute as I continued to crunch my abdomen together through the use of sit-ups. I was already on my fifth set of twenty and I could feel my muscles start to tense from the pressure, but I was not going to give up.

"Looking good Zaynie," I rolled my eyes at Sasha's overly sweet tone.

"What do you want Sasha?" I asked as I continued my sit-ups. I could feel her gaze on my body and I let out an annoyed sigh.

I straighten out my body and looked up at her. I threw the white cotton towel over my shoulders to block her thirsty eyes. 

"You're always so grumpy with me," she whined. "I am just trying to be your friend."

I raised an eyebrow. "We both know that you have other intentions."

The brunette clutched her heart dramatically as she gasped in disbelief. I rolled my eyes at her dramatic antics, not at all amused by them.

"I do not," she defended. "I just thought since Emily has her little bestie David, you and I could-"

"I am good," I hummed as I stood up and dusted off the grass from my trunks.

Sasha opened her mouth to protest but my gaze was focused on the blonde exiting our hut. She laughed at something Ivory had said. Her long dirty-blonde longs were like golden strands of silk, flowing with the wind gently. I could never not feel mesmerised bu her.

From the corner of my eye, I saw Sasha frowning. I did not care though. Emily was my girlfriend and I would remain loyal to her until the end.

"Hey," she greeted with her usual warm smile. It caused my lips to twist into a smile of their own.

"Hey beautiful," I whispered back before planting a soft kiss on her cheek. I watched as her lips heated up and a light shade of pink appeared on them. She looked cute when she blushed.

"Too much cheesiness here," Sasha mumbled before stomping away. Ivory and Emily looked at her with confused, but amused smiles.

"Jealous much," Ivory snickered.

"Where's David?" I asked curiously. Ever since the last challenge the two had become quite close. You never saw one of them without the other.

"Sleeping," Ivory grumbled. "I like the dude, but he can be a sleepyhead at times."

We chuckled at her statement.

"Guys! Guys!" Jennifer and Jordan approached us with excited smiles. A pink paper was tucked in Jennifer's right hand.

"What happened?" We asked.

"Contestants, it is that time of the contest. Please prepare yourselves for an evening of a lifetime. Each of you will be going on your final dates!" Jennifer squealed. "Our final dates!"

"Already?" Emily asked surprised. Although, it felt like we had just started the contest yesterday, it had already been a month.

Jennifer nodded. "This means they are going to be epic!"

"Our last dates," Jordan gushed.

"I better go wake up David," Ivory rushed back into the hut.

I looked over at Emily who quickly met my gaze and we both smiled, excited about our date.


I played with the single rose in my hand, twisting it back and forth so the petals flared out more.

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