4.1 | i can be your person

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We all stood silently in front of the host. She had a stern look on her face as she eyed each one of us. It felt like we were the bad students and she, the principal.

"Due to the events from this morning, I am afraid we will have to cut this challenge short," Sarah spoke in a calm manner despite her angered expression. "Everyone please return the baby in your care to their parents."

Zayn and I walked over to Aileen's parents as did everyone else with their designated baby. The parents walked back to the boat awaiting for them at the dock.

"We will give the price that was promised," Sarah continued. "Ivory, David, Jake, and Sasha you have been disqualified due to the events that occurred."

"This is all your fault!" Sasha poked David who only rolled his eyes.

"That leaves Emily and Zayn, and Jennifer and Jordan," Sarah said. "Jennifer and Jordan this challenge seems to have brought you two closer and for that reason you are winners. Your prize is a night at Cupid's Hideout."

Everyone cheered and clap except for Sasha who looked beyond pissed.

"I will let you carry on with this fine evening and here are the keys," Sarah handed Jennifer and Jordan the keys to the hideout.

"If you hadn't started a fight with Jake, we could have had a chance of winning!" Sasha screamed at David. "I hope that the first one to get kicked off the contest will be you."

"Crazy bitch," David mumbled before walking back into the hut.

Jake was about to follow after him, but Zayn stopped him before he could. He grabbed a hold of Jake's arm and shook his head.

"He's not worth it," he said.

"Come on, let's drink some wine and unwind," Jordan suggested as he popped open a bottle of the best wine.

Ivory and Jennifer nodded in agreement as they joined Jordan at the bar. The rest of us followed except for Ivory.

"Maybe I should go check up on him?" She bit her lip nervously.

Riya shook her head. "He is the one that needs to apologize first. If he wants to act like a butt-hurt child then let him."

"Riya is right. That asshole doesn't deserve any sympathy," Sasha added.

Ivory did not look convinced but followed Riya toward the bar nonetheless.

"What do you want to drink?" Zayn asked.

"At this point anything that can make me forget about the drama," I said in a joking tone and Zayn let out a low chuckle.

"Come, let's go get you a Sex on the Beach," he said as he led us toward the bar.

My skin felt like it was on fire as he set his hand on my lower back. I could feel a fiery sensation flush through me.

"You look beautiful tonight by the way," Zayn whispered into my ear.

Oh. My. God.

"Thank you," I said trying not to let my nervous emotions show. However, I was a complete mess. His low husky voice threw me over the edge.

How can someone have such a deep, sexy voice?

"Hey Em, could you get more ice?" Jennifer asked and I nodded, grateful to have an excuse to put some distance between Zayn and I.

I walked back into our hut and searched through the large freezer for some ice. I tried to calm down the flushing of my cheeks as I picked up one of the ice trays and began to make my way to the kitchen. I froze when I heard the faint sound of whimpers.

I curiously followed the sound and was surprised to find David under the staircase with tears rolling down his eyes.

"Ahem," I cleared my throat trying to catch his attention. "Are you okay?"

David quickly wiped away his tears and his cold, poker face returned.

"What do you need?" He asked harshly.

"I just heard crying and was wondering—"

"I'm fine," he cut me off as he stood up from the floor.

"Doesn't seem like you are," I argued.

Something told me that maybe David was not the asshole he made everyone believe he was.

"Should you go back to your little plastic friends and talk about others behind their back?" He sassed.


"Look, I know that what the guys said was not the nicest thing, but you have to admit that you have placed a barrier between yourself and the other contestants," I argued.

"Because I do not know how to fit in," David replied as he looked down at his hands. "Everyone else seemed to just click and it doesn't feel like I fit into this group."

"But you also haven't made an effort for us to get to know you," I said. "Not even your soulmate can get a peep out of you. Why join a love show if you know you are not gonna even try?"

David was silent as if realizing that my words were true. He heaved a heavy sigh.

"Even if I tried now, it's too late. Half of the contestants already hate me," he pouted.

"They don't hate you," I defended. "And, I can be your first friend, if you'd like?"

David looked up with a shocked expression. It took a few seconds before a smile broke out on his face. It was the first time I had ever seen him smile.

"Y-Yeah, I would like that," he said almost shyly.

I returned the smile as I extended my hand. "Friends?"

"Friends," he said as he shook it.

Author's Note Hey my lovelies! I know, I know

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Author's Note
Hey my lovelies! I know, I know. I was supposed to update last week, but didn't. I kind of got carried away by work again, but here I am. I am ready to begins writing and hopefully finishing this book. What do you guys think? Should Emily really become friends with David? Let me know what you guys think in the comments. I will see you all Thursday with another update. Thanks my lovelies! Xoxo, Liz 💋💋💋

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