2.1 | truth or dare

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"What is going on?" Emily asked as she finally joined us. She wore a white linen bikini top and matching pants. She looked beautiful.

Get it together, I reprimanded myself.

"I think we finally have our first challenge," Riya explained as she pointed to the truth or dare circle in front of us.

Ivory plucked the envelope left near the circle. It was gold and had a red seal stamp in the middle.

"Dear contestants, today you will have two challenges," she read out loud. "The first game is a little spin at Truth or Dare. You will be split into two teams, one for the girls and one for the boys—"

"Aren't these challenges supposed to be completed in our couples?" Jennifer asked confused by the change in rules.

Ivory shrugged before looking back down at the envelope.

"Each team will take a turn to spin the arrow. Depending on where the arrow lands on they will have to complete a dare or read out a truth and try to figure out who it belongs to."

"If a player chooses not to do the dare or does not make a guess about who the truth belongs to in time provided, 30 seconds, they will be disqualified," Jordan read the remainder of the instructions. "The last two remaining players will get a hint for the next challenge. Let the games begin."

"Alright, you heard them," Jake called out. "Let's does this shit."

We all separated into two groups, the girls on one side and the boys on another.

We made two lines next to the two halves. For the boys the order went: Jordan, Lawrence, myself, Jake and lastly David. The girls were also lined up with Sasha at the front followed by Riya then Ivory, Emily and Jennifer.

"Ladies first," Jordan said motioning for Sasha to spin the circle first. She walked over to the button in between the two lines and pushed it.

The circle spun for a few seconds before it finally landed on the word 'Dare'.

There were two boxes filled with little envelopes on either side of the button. Sasha plucked one from the Dare box.

"Kiss the boys in the order you find them attractive with the most attractive being the first and least attractive being last," she read, a little grin forming on her lips.

She slowly pranced toward us tapping her chin in a mischievous manner.

"The boy who is the most attractive has to be—" she looked down the line of boys and Jake stepped forward before she could finish. "Zayn."

Everyone looked shock, especially Jake. Sasha dismissed his hurt expression and walked over to me.

As she reached her lips forward, I moved my head back avoiding her touch. She frowned and grabbed my collar, smashing our lips together. I scrunched my nose disturbed by her kiss.

I quickly pulled away before she could deepen the kiss. She rolled her eyes and continued down the line, rating the boys from most to least attractive.

Jake and David were the only ones that kissed back much to Jennifer's dismay.

"Alright, let's see what I get," Jordan rubbed his hands together before pushing the button. Dare.

He plucked one of the envelopes excitedly.

"Choose a girl and give them your best strip show," he said as he read the note.

His eyes immediately landed on Jennifer.

"Oh gosh," Jennifer buried her face in her palms.

Jordan walked over to her and began to seductively strip his light blue t-shirt. Follow by his trunks leaving him in his boxers. The girls cheered him on while Jennifer tried to look away, but stole a tiny peek.

After Jordan was done with his dance, Riya walked up to the button and received a dare.

"What better way to show your love than to leave a love mark. Walk up to your partner and leave the best hickey you can make," Riya read.

She hesitantly walked over to Lawrence. She looked nervous as she approached him.

"Do you mind?" She asked him and he gently shook his head.

Riya lowered her head toward Lawrence bare shoulder. She squinted her eyes together before pulling back.

"I-I can't," she said as she lifted her hands up in surrender. "I know my parents are watching and I do not want them to see their daughter giving a man a hickey."

"I guess we have our first one down," Sasha teased as Riya walked over to the pool to sit out the rest of the game.

Lawrence followed and also received a dare. His was less exotic and it only required him to take a pie in the face.

Ivory walked up to the button and was the first to receive a truth. She plucked the silver envelope from the truth box.

"One among you is hiding a secret," I froze as she read her truth out loud. "Can you figure out who among you is posing as something they're not?"


Author's NoteDun, dun, duuuuun

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Author's Note
Dun, dun, duuuuun. What do you guys think will happen next? Will everyone find out that Zayn is a billionaire? Let me know your thoughts in the comments.

The next update will be on Tuesday. I wanted to also let you all know that Forbidden Attractions, the second book in the Forbidden series is now out. Feel free to check that out. As always thank you all so much reading. Leave a vote and comment if you enjoyed. I'll see you all next week.
Xoxo, Liz 😘😘😘

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