09 | the last ones standing

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The place felt empty. Despite Jordan and Jennifer still being with us in the hut, it felt empty without Ivory's loud 'good-mornings'. I fell back into the large L-shaped sofa in the living room.

"I still can't believe it was them," Jennifer mumbled as she sprinkled some pepper onto the frying eggs.

"Me either," I pouted.

Ivory and David had the least amount of votes. They only had fifteen percent while Sasha and Jake had eighteen making them the clear winners.

"First, Riya and Lawrence. Now, Ivory and David. It's really starting to settle in that this is the finale," Jordan said as he chopped up the strawberries for the fruit salad.

"Sup losers!" Jake loudly greeted as he walked into our hut. "Mmm, that smells good."

Jake pranced over to the stove and admired Jennifer's perfectly cooked eggs.

"Close your mouth, I see drool coming out," Jennifer teased.

"Where's Sasha?" Jordan asked.

"Doing some sort of morning facial routine," Jake said uninterestedly.

How they got more votes than Ivory and David was a complete mystery to me.

"What about Zayn?" Jake asked as he looked around and noticed Zayn's absence.

"Showering," I replied.

"Actually, I am done," Zayn corrected as he stepped into the living room. He waved at Jake who was still in the kitchen. "Morning beautiful."

"Morning," I smiled up at Zayn. He pecked my lips lightly before ruffling my hair a bit. "What am I? Your dog?"

I chuckled as I patted my hair down and Zayn smiled at me amused by my reaction.

Zayn walked over to the co-joined kitchen and helped Jordan finish cutting up the fruit. I could not help but admire him. Despite being in a room with two other guys, he was the one that stood out to me.

His raven locks were still damp from his shower. A few wet strands stuck to the front of his face, but he did not seem to mind them. He skillfully chopped the kiwis in front of him. His hazel eyes gliding over every stroke. He was handsome and he was mine.

"You didn't think to wait for me?" Jennifer asked in an angered tone. Jake jumped back startled by his girlfriend. Everyone was a bit startled.

Jennifer's face was covered in a green, pasty substance. Every single inch except her lips, eyes and brows.

"What's on your face?" Jennifer asked with one brow raised.

Sasha ignored our confused gazes. "It's a very expensive face mask imported from the Fiji Islands."

"You look like Stanley Ipkiss after he puts the green mask on," Jake teased, but Sasha was not amused with his comment.

"I don't know how I got paired up with an idiotic asshole!" Sasha fumed before marching out of the hut.

"What's up with her?" Zayn asked as he turned to Jake for the answer, but the blonde boy seemed to be just as perplexed as we were.

"You'd think that after surviving the elimination round, she'd be in a happier mood," Sasha commented.

"Maybe it's the stress of being in the final week?"Jordan mused.

"I should probably go apologize," Jake said with a guilty expression. He walked out of the hut with a sad puppy-like expression.

"That girl really has her panties in a twist," Jennifer said as she placed the finished eggs onto empty plates. "She made Jake sad. No one has made Jake lose his cool demeanor since David."

"The pressure of the finale," I said in a sing-song tone.

The tension was rising each day since the last challenge. Deeply buried secrets were exposed that shook many relationships. Then David and Ivory were eliminated. It was all too much in a span of a short time.

"I wonder what the final challenge will be?" Jordan mused out of the blue.

"Oh, you're right," Jennifer said as realization dawned us. There was still one more challenge left.

"They normally leave the baby-challenge until last, but this time we did it first, so that means it has to be something different," Jordan replied.

"Something harder," we all said in unison as we realized that the drama was far from over.

Author's NoteHola my lovelies! Here is the second upload for today

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Author's Note
Hola my lovelies! Here is the second upload for today. We have now lost David and Ivory. What do you think the final challenge will be? Let me know your thoughts in the comments. The next update will be on Tuesday (hopefully on time). I will see you then my lovelies. Have a fantastic weekend! Adios!
Xoxo, Liz 💋💋💋

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