07 | two truths and a lie

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I placed a kiss on Emily's shoulder and she stirred a little but remained in a deep sleep. I pulled back her dirty blonde locks and watched as her eyes moved back and forth, she looked peaceful. I leaned back down and placed another peck, this time on her cheek.

"Wake up beautiful," I whispered and she groaned in annoyance.

"I don't want to," Emily buried her head into the pillow and I could not help but chuckle.

I placed another kiss on her forehead and slipped out of the bed. I walked over to her side and tucked her under the sheets. After last night, I did not want to disturb her.

"I'll go get breakfast," I said as I patted her head and walked out the door.

"You really left me alone last night!" Sasha barked as I reached the bottom of the stairs. I rolled my eyes and walked past her, but she followed.

"Emily needed me," I replied as I entered the kitchen.

"We were assigned a challenge Zayn," she sassed. "You can't just go running to her just because."

"Yes I can," I barked and Sasha looked back stunned. "Sasha, I don't like you in that way, alright?"

"But you like her?!" She scoffed in disbelief.

"Yes, I do," I frowned at her reaction. "Emily is sweet and kind."

"She's a maid!"

"And?" I raised a brow. "I wouldn't care if she were homeless, I like her. Nothing is going to change that."

"You're a freaking billionaire Zayn!" Sasha yelled and I turned to her with a glare.

"Sssh, no one needs to know that," I said.

Sasha shook her head. "Your father is not going to approve of her."

"And he would approve of you?" I challenged and Sasha let out a frustrated huff before stomping away.

"You're a billionaire?"


I turned around and saw Ivory and David standing behind me, both wore surprised expressions.

"I-I can explain," I stuttered through my words.

"Does Emily know?" David asked and I shook my head, looking down at the floor with a guilty expression.

"Can you please not tell her until I do?"

Ivory nodded but David was hesitant. Ivory nudged him and then he too nodded.

"How is she?" David asked.

"She is better now," I replied. "Thank you for letting me know."

"No problem."

"I wonder why she had that panic attack?" Ivory mused with a concerned expression.

"I don't know," I lied.

Ivory shrugged and walked over to the stove to begin breakfast. David walked over to me.

"I am sorry for yesterday," David said. "You don't need worry, I am not going to pursue Emily anymore."

"Really?" I asked surprised.

David nodded. "You two seem close and I know you know her better than I do. I want her to be happy and she is with you."

"So what will you do for the rest of the competition?" I asked.

"Just wait until I am sent home," David said.

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