05 | jealous boyfriends and broken hearts

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Jealousy was not something I experienced often. Growing up as a rich kid, I was used to getting everything and anything I wanted. However, as I watched the two figures laughing and poking each other playfully I could not help but let my anger boil uncontrollably.

"When did those two become so close?" Jordan asked as he looked at Emily and David.

The two were oblivious of us. They were too busy splashing around in the pool with bright smiles.

"I don't know, but he better start keeping his hands to himself," I growled as David tried to get closer to Emily to splash her again but she swam away laughing.

Jordan looked at me with a teasing smirk. "Jealous much."

"Oh shut it," I sassed. "How was your night with Jennifer at the hideout?"

Jordan's cheeks turned a deep shade of red as he reminisced the prior night.

"It was good," he said trying to act nonchalant.

"Have you guys seen Da—Oh," Ivory looked at Emily and a laughing David with a hurt expression. "I didn't know him and Emily were that close."

"None of us did," Jordan replied.

"Emily said that she was going to help David become friendlier," I said recalling my conversation with Emily from the previous night. "I didn't think that it meant being this friendly with him."

"I mean from the looks of it Emily is not really giving him that much attention," Jordan pointed out. "She definitely just sees him as a friend, but him on the other hand."

Ivory frowned upon hearing this and grabbed a hold of my arm, leading us toward the two figures.

"Oh my gosh Zayn, you're so funny," Ivory giggled as she playfully slapped my bare chest while resting her other hand on my shoulder blade.

I laughed nervously confused by what she was doing. Emily and David turned to us. Emily narrowed her eyes in Ivory's hand which had let itself rest in my chest. David on the other hand seemed unfazed.

"What are you two doing?" Ivory asked trying not to sound sour.

"We are playing tag," Emily replied as her gaze turned to Ivory. "Do you guys wanna join?"

"Sure, why not?" Ivory shrugged as she entered the pool and dragged me with her. "Zayn, why don't you be my partner."

Ivory wrapped her arms around my waist and turned to David to see if she could get a reaction out of him but nothing. Emily on the other hand held her lips pressed into a hard line. I smiled at her cute expression.

"Why don't we just play free for all," Emily suggested.

"Hmmm, I think partners is better," Ivory replied. "What do you think David?"

"Whichever is fine," he said casually and this caused a saddened look to appear on Ivory's face.

Emily nudged David and he sighed in defeat.

"Let's do partners," he said.

"With our actual partners," Emily added as she pulled me to her side. Ivory smiled as David walked over to her, but it soon fell when she noticed his unenthusiastic expression.

"Let's win this love," I whispered into Emily's ear.

As always, her cheeks flushed pink as her sun-kissed skin developed goosebumps. It was a reaction I enjoyed causing.

Emily smiled up shyly. "Let's win this."

We began the game with only two pairs but soon enough the other couples joined. We would run around the pool, which was quite difficult or get out and take it to the patio.

Everyone had seemed to forget the fight from the day before. David was laughing and getting along with the others for the first time since we had arrived.

"Got you!" Emily cheered as she froze the last person standing beside me.

I rushed over to her and picked her up as she threw her arms in the air.

"We did it!" I smiled proudly while the other couples groaned in disappointment.

As I set her down, I grabbed onto her face and let my temptation get the best of me. I closed the gap between us and placed my lips on hers.

It felt like utter bliss. I had longed to have a taste of her lips ever since we were couple up. I expected her to pull away but instead she deepened the kiss which caused the other contestants to cheer.

Emily and I were immersed in one another, not knowing the disapproving glares we were receiving from two unhappy contestants.

Emily and I were immersed in one another, not knowing the disapproving glares we were receiving from two unhappy contestants

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Author's Note
Hola my lovelies! Here is chapter 5 of Matches. So a lot of drama is going on, but Emily and Zayn finally kissed again!!! Who do you think was mad about this kiss? Let me know in the comments. The next update will be on Tuesday. I will see if I can update a little before that because you guys deserve it, but I will let you all know. Thank you so much for reading. Leave a vote if you enjoyed. I'll see you all next week. Adios! Xoxo, Liz 💋💋💋

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